Gray/ Jakob’s friends
‘I’m sorry, Lino, but as I've said, it’s your turn to give.’

Vivian, now awake and terrified, looked around in confusion.

The room she was in was kind of dark and eery.

Her eyes locked onto Kevin, recognizing him. “You… why am I here? Please, I need to go home.”

In front of them, a man with long black hair sat on a throne, watching intently.

He was known as Gray.

“Mr. Craig, it seems this woman doesn’t trust you,” Gray said, his voice steady. “Who have you brought before me?”

Kevin clutched Vivian’s hand firmly, ensuring she couldn’t escape.

He hesitated before responding, “She’s important to someone who is also involved with us. His name is Lino. This woman is his wife, and she means a great deal to him. She’s also pregnant. Lino agreed to sacrifice her to ensure we achieve our goals.”

“What?!” Vivian exclaimed, her confusion palpable.

“Then why isn't he here?” Gray asked, his tone sharp.

“He can’t be,” Kevin replied. “He’s busy. He's with the enemy and he can
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