Women like Dana

One by one, everyone arrived at the new headquarters, a massive space located in a small town within Metro City.

The area was swarming with thugs, all of whom obeyed Lucian’s every command without question.

The building itself was enormous, designed to accommodate a large crowd.

Inside the vast, empty room, Lucian sat on a wooden chair, silently smoking a cigarette.

Each person who entered bowed with a mixture of respect and fear, then moved to stand quietly along the walls, waiting for the rest to arrive.

Dana glanced around the room, a smile spreading across her face. “Wow, this place is huge, Boss. How did you even find it?”

Lucian ignored her question, exhaling a stream of smoke.

“Stupid question, Dana,” Drake muttered, sitting casually on a raised platform nearby.

Dana huffed in annoyance, her eyes occasionally drifting toward Lucian.

Something had been weighing on her mind, and she needed to ask. "Um, Boss Lucian, can I ask you something?"

Lucian turned his gaze toward her,
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