Vargley [3]

The Wellingtons are an extensive family, made up of sons, daughters, in-laws, cousins, nieces, and nephews. However, only the most significant members of the family were seated around the long table.

Among them was Tom Wellington, son of Madame Isabel, along with his only son, Charlie Wellington, and his younger sister, Narda Wellington.

There had been another son, Riya’s father, but he tragically passed away in an accident years ago, even before the Old Master’s death.

Charlie Wellington, now 23 years old, was the first grandson of the Wellingtons. Handsome and poised, he was often seen as the frontrunner to inherit the family business.

Yet, lately, he had become unusually quiet, withdrawn even.

There's something he's keeping from the family. Something they must never know about.

Breaking the silence, Tom Wellington continued, “I think it would be more appropriate for either myself or Charlie to accompany Jakob Winchester for the business talks. This is a rare opportunity to sit a
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