Vargley [4]

“Trespassing?!” Drake shot back, disbelief lacing his voice. “How can the boss be trespassing on his own turf, you damn bastard?!”

Led gave an unfazed look to Lucian, looking unimpressed.

“The boss?” Led scoffed. “Lucian’s no boss of mine. And this territory is mine now! Godfather is dead, and with him gone, Vargley belongs to me, not you, Lucian,” he said, his eyes challenging Lucian.

Drake wasn’t having it. “Everything godfather had is Lucian’s now. He’s the rightful boss, the one to lead us, Led. So, you better start showing some respect.”

“Respect?” Led spat, his tone filled with contempt. “I have no respect to give to a mere boy who was nothing more than godfather’s errand boy, Drake? He was never meant to lead, just to follow orders. Now that the Godfather’s dead, Vargley is mine!”

Drake let out a bitter laugh, shaking his head in disbelief. “Vargley, yours? Just admit it, Led—you’ve thrown in with Craig, haven’t you, you traitorous son of a bitch?! You sold out to that snake!”

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