
Everything began with a stillness. For a couple of seconds, the whole group wasn’t making any move. This is purely because of Asther’s orders.

The necromancer told them that they can’t begin moving until the undead have been summoned. These will serve as both damage sponges and distractions after all. The group can’t risk having themselves exposed to the great wolves without an assurance such as this. And so they waited…until the fight finally began.

The undead were summoned in a flash. The great wolves didn’t know how they would respond as the undead began attacking them. But this isn’t all because, the four finally came out from hiding and began their attack as well.

In the blink of an eye, the whole place turned into a battlefield. One where the great wolves are completely at a disadvantage. Asther watched all of this from high on top of a tree, making sure that everyone on his side of the team is safe and well.

Parch took on one great wolf himself. The soldier was lucky enough to
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