Against Wolves

Asther isn’t a person who would do things half assed. As such, he accompanied the group to the location where they needed to go. After all, he is required to go there since he needs to know exactly where he should be summoning his undead.

But more than this, Asther also went there for another thing. That is, scouting. He went with the group to get the precise number of enemies that his allies must face in that battle.

As such he went up a tall tree and hid himself in its shadows. This same tree is near enough to the wolf camp for Asther to observe it properly. As such, he is able to get exactly what he came there for. That is, to get the numbers.

“How many are there?” Claire asked as soon as Asther came down the tree.

“There are fifteen in total.” The necromancer replied in a flat tone.

“Why don’t you sound even the slightest bit nervous with that number sir?” Tyre asked.

“Well, first of all, it isn’t me who’s gonna fight right?” Asther gave a scheming grin. Making the two soldiers wa
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