The Necromancer's Plans

Dinner that night was fantastic. The whole group huddled together and ate with satisfied looks on their faces. They are tired from the training of course. But, this is heavily compensated by the amount of progress they’ve all had.

It would be an understatement to say that they are proud of their accomplishments. Asther could read in their faces that they all want nothing more than to actually try their new skills in combat. And, fortunately for them, Asther is finally giving them this opportunity.

“I’m not gonna drag this on and go straight to the point.” The necromance began. “You are going hunting tomorrow.”

“By ‘you’ do you mean some of us or…”

“All of you Tyre.” Asther clarified. “I’ve seen the amount of progress you’ve made in the last couple of days and, frankly speaking, it’s quite incredible. To the point that you’ve gone well past my expectations of you.”

“Thank you sir.” Parch replied.

“Oh don’t thank me yet.” Asther replied. “Even though I praised you, I’m not planning to g
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