The Next Phase

Claire is a bit short of breath. She can feel her pulse all the way up to her ear and, her chest felt tighter than usual. This immediately made her think that she’s weak. That the stamina training wasn’t able to provide enough for her.

What she doesn’t know however, is that she’s wrong. Her stamina is not lacking. With the mission that she finished under Asther, Claire is able to get not only a long duration on the use of her mana, she is also granted a special effect. A bonus given to her since she finished the mission earlier than expected; that is, more points on her stamina.

So why is it the saintess is tired at that moment exactly? Well, the answer to that can only be given by the necromancer. And he wasn’t planning on holding back on this information. After all, it’s for the sake of the training.

“You don’t look too happy.” Asther began.

“I’m tired.” Claire said. “I got his exhausted after dealing with nothing more than a couple of goblins Asther. How can I be of any use?”

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