Finishing the Mission

Claire began her mission right away. Since they are already near the area where the goblins are, there’s no need for Asther to assist her anymore. The necromancer simply stood at a safe distance. Watching whatever it is that she will be doing at that present moment.

For some reason, Claire’s heart was thumping loudly at that moment. She knows that this isn’t from fear. She’s been through countless dangerous situations, to the point that a mere pack of goblins won’t even make her raise a heartbeat.

That’s why she knows that there is only a single reason remaining as to why she’s that way. It is not a negative emotion that’s making its way and doing her dirty. No. It’s because of excitement.

The thrill of being able to fight a real battle after all these years. The thrill of finally wielding the weapon that she wanted to for all these years. All of these things have found its fruition at that moment. It has yielded its result with the mission that Asther gave her. And she’s not planning
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