
Although life may seem unfair to the original Asther, there are actually rules and regulations implemented in order to ensure that there is justice in Jhinn. This is done through the use of a sacred spell that is given to every juror that resides within a place. These jurors are individuals who have been blessed by the goddess of justice herself. And, through the spell bestowed upon them, nobody can utter a single lie.

This has allowed aristocrats to be taken down from their high positions. This has also allowed a lot of good willed people to rise into power. This has allowed the weak and the powerless to get the justice that they wish for.

Although it may sound good on paper, this system is not fool proof in itself. There are a lot of things that are lacking in it. For one thing, the jurors themselves can be bribed. Given the right amount of money, they would fake the results of any trial or interrogation. Other than this, there are also cases where a juror’s life is threatened, thus
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