Octavia's Training

“How many times do I have to say it?” Asther used a stick and placed it under Octavia’s sword wielding wrist. “You need to raise your hand a bit higher.”

“What difference does that even make?” Octavia replied in annoyance.

“For starters, it blocks out a lot of openings.” Asther replied.

At the moment, Asther is giving private fighting lessons to Octavia. Although the female knight wanted to decline this, the order came straight from Claire and so, it isn’t something that the female knight could go against.

Asther isn’t a big fan of it as well. For what it’s worth, he would rather have the two male soldiers to be trained under his wing. Not because they have more talent than Octavia but, because he knows that they would follow his commands and instructions; no questions asked.

“I’ll reduce the number of openings just from raising my hand a bit higher?” Octavia asked in a doubtful tone.

“Form is important in any fight.” Asther said. “It increases your chances of surviving.”

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