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The Heir.( A son In-law's revenge) ONE HUNDRED TRILLION USD.
Brandon was inside the car with Madrigal after leaving the Silverrio mansion. He wasn’t fully convinced that Frederick had no hand in whatever happened to his son. "What do we do, boss?" Madrigal asked him. "We wait; once Estrellia confirms that she's at her father's, we’ll join them there. She’d definitely know where our son was taken," Brandon replied. Estrellia and her men got to the Alvarez’s apartment. They weren't as welcoming as soon as they heard that they were from Brandon himself. After threats and a tense argument and connotation. They told them Aliana wasn’t home and allowed them to check forcefully. EstrellIa was also beginning to get uncomfortable with the whole twist. Junior’s mother was missing. Maybe they should rather be looking for her and not Junior himself. Estrellia gave Brandon the feedback. Brandon wasn’t happy. He had a tiny glimmer of hope of finding Aliana at her father's house. "Don’t worry, I'll keep trying until I find him," Brandon responded. "Ma
The Heir.( A son In-law's revenge) HOSTAGE
"Cash," the man uttered bluffingly. Brandon put a call in to the company and gave them an ultimatum to bring that mount to his location. The people at the place thought they were joking and just making a scene until they arrived in a lackluster convoy. Everyone was dressed in black suits and carrying money bags. They brought it to Brandon in the hall, where he and Madrigal were waiting. "How much do you think it is? You might need your staffs to help you start counting, Mr. Man!" Brandon yelled. The whole crowd was gazing at Brandon. Some of them took out their phones and took pictures and recorded videos of how money was being brought. "The money is here, I think we need some appear work to get things over and done with!" Brandon remaraked. He was angry and desperate."If he had this much money, why doesn't he have a plane?" One of his workers muttered. "Shut up!" the owner of the illegal company ordered. "I am Kylian Eduardo, you will have my company, come with me!""I
The Heir.( A son In-law's revenge) UNCONCIOUS
AT THE SIVERRIO'SMarcellus ran up the stairs with some of Estrellia’s men. They opened up the wardrobe and found Aliana tied up. She was unconscious but still alive. They carried her out and brought her to the sitting room. Nanny Catherine tried to revive her. "I think we all saw it now, and I have every right to think your son was linked to Junior’s disappearance." Nathalie yelled. Don Silverrio was getting better. They helped him up, released him from the ties, and allowed him some air. Nathalie had to let Fidelin go so he could give him his drugs."No one leaves this place!" Nathalie called Brandon. She realized he had been calling them. Brandon picked up the call immediately. "What the report?" "We found Aliana, boss, but she’s unconscious. We have the CCTV. We are still watching; there is no proof the boy left this house, aside Fredrick.""Fredrick was the only one that left the house," Nathalie responded. She got off the call with Brandon. "Please, she needs to be take
The Heir.( A son In-law's revenge) COLD
AT TORRILLIO’S MANSION. Vanessa rolled to the extreme side of the bed. She woke up when she hit the wall. "Where am I?" she blurted. "Oh. No! I slept off after drinking heavily last night,""Ouch," she shouted lightly, holding her head. "I think I have a hangover," she managed to get up on her feet. She found the bathroom and washed her face. "Where is my phone? Where is everyone?" she uttered. She walked out of the room and saw just Torillio’s bodyguards in the sitting room. "Good evening, ma'am. How may we be of help to you?" One of them asked her. "Where is Torillio?" she asked sharply. "He left for work, you’ve been sleeping since morning, ma'am," he responded humbly. "That can't be; do you by any means know where he kept my phone?" Vanessa responded. They didn’t know where it was, but they offered to help her find it. "Do you have any idea where you must have left it?" "Yeah, we were at the bar when we returned; that’s all I can recall," Vanessa responded bemusedl
The Heir.( A son In-law's revenge) CLOSE CALL
MANILA.Nathalie got to Manila City right on time; she was alone, and it was difficult for her to go in with a fight. “Good evening, ma'am. How may we help you?” The waiter greeted her as she entered. “Please, I need a job. Can I see the manager?” Nathalie pleaded. “I’m sorry, ma’am, there are no vacancies, and you have to apply online.” The waiter added.It was time for Nathalie to leave; overstaying would only warrant her being chased out by the security guard. Nathalie broke into crocodile tears. The waiter was moved, and he asked her to come inside their kitchen. It was spacious and neat.“There were vacancies. This place operates in shifts, but you can't get in without approval from the owner." "He loved to scrutinize his workers before allowing them in.” The waiter spilled. “Who is the owner?” Nathalie asked, curiously suppressing her emotions. “He goes by the alias RAD,” he responded. Nathalie gave Brandon the update.“You mean I can't see the manager now?” Nathalie asked him
The Heir.( A son In-law's revenge) FOR THE KILL.
AT TORILLIO'S MANSION. Torillio de Guzman arrived at his mansion with Santiago. “Why are you doing this, boss? Is that woman now a part of our plan?” Santiago asked him concernedly. “She’s useful!” Torillio replied bluntly ans walked out on Santiago. Vanessa was done bathing and resumed to looking for her phone. She tried calling the numbers via the other guys phone but it was turned off. Torillio walked in on her troubled. “Okay why is this damsel in distress” Torillio said as he saw her. Vanessa smiled softly. “Thanks for last night, I should have left but I couldnt figure out where I kept my phone” Vanessa replied. “We had so much to drink that’s why” Torillio responded. “You could have stopped me, I don’t drink that much. I can't handle too much drinking”Vanessa replied jokingly. “Have you checked the room you slept?” Torillio asked her sternly. “Yes, they even joined me” she pointed at his men. “Ill go help you” he responded. Torillio went up the stairs with
The Heir.( A son In-law's revenge) Deal Day
“Vanessa, think it through,” Torillio pulled over. “No keep driving, I made up my mind already!” she uttered confidently.“SO?” Torillio asked plyingly. Vanessa closed her eyes tightly and heaved a great sigh. “It's for Junior, I won't watch the little boy die!” Vanessa responded. “It doesn’t seem that way to me” Torilio responded. “It’s for him, isn’t it?” Torillio asked jealously. “Please don’t make this harder for me” Vanessa sent the details Brandon needed. He called back almost immediately. “Call your brother now, make sure he talks for at least two minutes or longer!” Brandon ordered and ended the call. Vanessa called Fredrick. He refused the call. She sent a text telling him she was in danger. Fredrick fell for it. “What happened to you?” Vanessa was sobbing. “I think I was drugged” She muttered tearfully. “Vanessa are you okay? Just stay there, I will be there. Have you called Fidelin?” He asked. “It's too late, I’m sorry” Vanessa sobbed. “Stop crying, talk to me, where are
The Heir.( A son In-law's revenge) ATTENTION [tic-tok]
AT RAD'S HIDEOUT.Vanessa Jumped out of Torillio’s car and ran towards the helicopter. She MET only Marcellus in there. “Where is Brandon? is he okay?” Vanessa asked worriedly. Marcellus detached the earphone and helped her inside.“So far, yes," he responded. "Why that face?" Vanessa responded quiverily."He's been threatened. I hope he doesn't lose his son!”“How? Who's threatening him?” Vanessa questioned. She saw a convoy arrive and her and Marcellus hid and watched. They were relieved when they saw them.It was Estrellia and her men.They had arrived, and it was about a hundred of them and Brandon had to tell them to stand down. He heard Junior's voice. He didn’t what them to hurt his son. Especially when he’s so close to rescuing him. “Did you see my brother?” Vanessa asked hurriedly.“No, I guess he left to save you. What are you going to do?”“I don’t know, face it when it's time,” Vanessa unereved. “Look, its Brandon!” Brandon was on top of the building with his hand
Latest Chapter
How we ended
THREE YEARS LATER. Brandon brushed his long golden hair to one side as he carried a little girl with curled blonde hair in his arm as a young, tall boy stood next to him. "Mummy," the little girl said, forcing herself down into his strong arms to greet a woman who seemed to have attracted her attention. "Vanessa, we missed you." Brandon hugged and kissed her. "It was just three days; stop acting like I spent the whole year away, and it was fun—sure, you don't want us to come together with you?" she asked, leaning on his strong arms. "Take care of the kids; I need to go now." Brandon planted a kiss on her head. "Keep the family safe till Daddy returns!" he said, roughening the young boy’s hair. "Please be safe; we’ll be waiting for you at home." Vanessa kissed him, and he smacked her ass. "Stop—the children are here!" Brandon entered the garage at the back of the building. Dragging out a black power bike parked at the edge of the wall, he covered the helmet and start
BRANDON. "When we get to the glass house, go back to Manila and make sure none of our men are left behind; this is my home; I’ll be fine," Brandon said to the pilot. "No, boss, I’ll protect you with my life; Estrellia, Madrigal, and Nathalie are there; I can vouch they’ll protect Vanessa and our men," he responded baravely. "Then stop here; I want to go in unnoticed," Brandon commanded. He told the pilot the signal to give if he needed him to return for him. I discovered something strange and haven’t confirmed it, but right now you’re the only one I can trust. I am on my way from death to life, whatever comes up. At least one of us deserves to know the truth. Meet me at the glass house. The truth lies there. Brandon read the text. Olvido sent him the second time. He tried opening the gates, but no one was there, and he got in by himself, which was strange. The lounge room was also opened. He got in quietly when he noticed some movements. "Where are you, Olvido?" He
MADRIGAL. "How do I find her easily without getting spotted? Madrigal brooded, sreching, with his eyes all over the place as he hid behind a door. Leaving the room where Brandon was fighting with Frederick and Torillio was hard, but he knew he would be fine without him.A masked man snooping around for any intruder stepped into Madrigal’s trap. He zapped his neck from behind and slid him behind the door with him. "Sorry man—I need your uniform and this shady mask.""Vanessa!" "Vanessa!! Vaa—" "What are you doing here?" He alarmed, running to meet injured Brandon, forcefully dragging himself as he continued fending off RAD and Torillio’s men. "We walked into a trap; Fredrick is not RAD; Torillio was also fooled, and he’s fighting. I called our men; they’ll be arriving a bit late; they blew up my airline." Brandon’s breathing was over his chest. His leg was bleeding, and he tied it with a piece of cloth.Madrigal felt so much pity for him. He had gone through hell, and now w
Facing him
ANDALLIO. “You’re uselss, you’re fat and dumb”“You can’t even lift yourself and you think I need your help?” “You’re a failure! You failed at everything,” “Get out of my head!” Andallio wailed smashing the glass of liquor in his hand against the telivison screen in his room. He walked down to the swimming pool at the lass house. “It is over, I won, they’ll kill theirseleevs and destroy it all—and me Andallio Ramirez will become the owner of it all,” He mused with a smile and leaped inside the pool. The perfecet plan crossed his mind after his call to Brandon. Torillio and Arturo would become a menace to him in the future if he helped them get what they wanted form Brandon. Fredrick was also he sore he was planning to remove at all cost. When he was calm form the drugs he gave him, Andallio made him an irresistible offer. The revenge he has always wanted to have on Brandon for dragging the face of the Silverrio’s in the mud and running his family. Fredrick’s ego
BRANDONThe call with RAD seemed so unreal and strange. Brandon needed more answers. "How did she end up with him?" He asked his team to work hard to track down the number. They were back at the mansion, but he didn't stay."Where is Esmeralda?" Is she in the mansion?" he asked Natahlie. "Yes boss, I guess they’re packing, but they haven’t left.He raced up to his room to get the original documents from his safe. "Do you think she’ll talk if we give her?" Madrigal asked him closely, knowing how important it was to his plans. "My child, I need to confirm if it’s true; I can save Vanessa, but if he’s really pregnant, the babay might die; you know RAD, he’s brutal; I’ll do anything to save my child," Brandon responded, picking it up and closing the safe. "Esmeralda, come; we should have a word before you leave; your mother can leave," Brandon roared. Esmerald didn’t respond; she kept rolling her travel bag behind Hailey. "Look at this—you want it right?" Brandon wiggled the
BRANDON. "Did you meet him?" Brandon rused out ot meet Brandon who was dresched and walking slowly in the rain. "Yeah, and I told him to watch out for me. I'll hit him with every inch of my strength," he holererd lifitntg his heart in his voice. "I won’t let Lamar’s death slide, they knew he was coming for me, they killed him right before me and I couldn’t do a thing," Brandon packed his hair with his hands and faced up to the rain. "Your days are numbered, he viled, taking the lead inside the PROVOCATOR;s night club. He returned ot the VVIP spot with Madrigal. " Zino—call him up, to meet me here, I’ll pay whatever ti cost to bring him out of whatever hole he’s stuck in," Brandon graved his voice sild with anger and an itch for revenege. "I have given the orders boss, you should change your dress and take a rest," Madrigal uttered inconveneitnly. Brandon’s rage has never been this great. He went out of hi reach to forcefully meet with RAD even though they stope
ANDALLIO. "Ouch—" Andallio exclaimed, playfully squezzing his face in mess. He rewatched Lamar’s death clip again and again with no remose but a broad, domineering smile on his face. " This is what will happen to anyone who goes against me, I can’t wait to see Fredricks’ reaction when he watches this—" he chocked, laughing. Where's the tape?" he asked worriedly and the gave it to him. Lamar was so close to handling it over o him and he ad ot take aderastic step to get him out. " Pople will do anything for money, do you believe that my last minute genius plan wanst a oart of my plan?" he asked his men beaming with pride. " You’re an ultra genius boss; Lamar outsmarted us, he didn’t had over the evidence o Bardon at his house but insisted on a meet, if Brandon had come ealier we would have sabotaged all your plans," one of his men responded telling him the truth he loved to hear. "Yes, I save you all again; your head would have been off your body if it went bad,"
TORILLIO. The thunder struck strongly; the cloud was darkened, and it rained heavily. Torillio lurked on the balcony on top of his house looking at the other houses in the street and the lightened up neighborhood. " I used to enjoy these," he whispered, puffing out smoke. "That phone, I found with Anton, Olvido's right-hand man, the one I almost got framed for him murder, linked with RAD, the phone repairer was found dead and the phone is missing, you caused it, I couldn't monitor him" "Arturo—you made a stupid mistake. Do I have to do everything for you?" he asked him insignificantly. Arturo was drenched, sitting in the rain. "Sorry about that. It's all gone now. Whatever happened with RAD and Anton, I think you should let it go; The girl is safe, and with me, did you take care of Olvido?" he asked him, rolling up another stunk of weed. He looked up to see Arturo, as he didn’t give a response to the question he asked him. "Cat caught your tongues, old friend? Do you rem
BRANDON.Brandon stuck his hand out in traffic. It was raining under the cloudless, serene sky. " It looks so peaceful—the kind of life I cherish is near, I can feel it," he said to Madrigal, sitting next to him in the driver's seat. "Yes Brandon—about that man, Lamar, don’t you think he’s dangerous? I didn't want you to see him," Madrigal streched adjusting his seat to fit his back, as the lane they were on wasn't moving.Lamar had met them at home earlier, before they set out. He claimed to he came there to deliver some packages to Hailey but she wasn't home. He then went ahead to ask Brandon’s men that he seeked audience with the boss." I don't think he is—and he looks familiar I just can’t fugure it out," Brandon responded as he gleaned over the car’s window. " Jordan, don’t you think he’s hdidng something? He just menstioned only Hailey—I know she’s connected to RAD but do you think he would send that much men just to defend her?" Brandon questioned him. The thouts