Chapter 80

Outside the Smith residence, a black sedan is packed outside the house, Mr. Smith knew who it was because he had been expecting him to arrive for a while now since he was the one that called him and asked that they both meet. Seeing the car parked outside, he slowly strides over there and gets inside the car.

“Good day,” Mr. Smith greeted with a stern expression on his face as he tried not to look at Jason. Jason pulled away the dark sunglasses from his eyes, that way he was able to have a clear view of the man seated next to him.

“Why do you have that look on your face, did something go wrong? But I can tell that you wouldn't ask to see me this late at night if everything was fine”

“Nothing at all. I called you because there was something urgent that I wanted us to discuss”

“Sure, go ahead. What is this about?”

“I don't think that my family and I can proceed with your deal” He slowly let out the words, hoping that he did ended up offending Jason with his words.

“But you already accep
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