Chapter 81

Reynold could feel his palm burning so hard as soon as he pulled away from the door, it felt like a hot iron had been pressed against his skin and even when he yanked his hand back and stared at it, expecting to see a burn mark or blister, there was no mark, no sign or readiness of any kind yet the pain persisted.

The pain grew so intense, spreading up to his arms and across his chest. Reynold could no longer bear it and with sweat dripping down from his forehead, he screamed at the top of his lungs, the sound echoing off the stone walls.

“Make it stop…. Please….. I beg of you, the pain is just too much and I can't bear it any longer” He cried out in deep pain that consumed his entire body.

“I thought you were a man and you had made up your mind or what to do, then go ahead, why are you asking for my help”

Jason responded with a calm expression on his face like he had seen this over and over again and the pain Reynold was feeling was nothing to him.

“Please… I beg of you”

“I told you,
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