Chapter 83

At night, Avery felt like she wanted something different this time around, perphaps there was a always that she could steer up her relationship with Adrian, so she insisted that they went to a club instead of the usual formal restaurant.

As they both stepped into the buzzing club, Adrian was feeling awkward and disturbed because he had never been to a place like this, and considering that he was feeling the mixture of aura of several people around here.

“Are you alright?” Avery asked, seeing how tensed he looked.

“I am fine, it is just that, I have never been to such a noisy place like this, and in a place like this, it is hard for me to concentrate”

“Concentrate, why would you need to do that, you should be having fun”

“I told you Avery that I needed to connect to your holy light, when you suggested that we go out, I thought that we were going to be going to somewhere more private and quiet”

“You do not have to be so serious at all times. What do you even do with all these powers tha
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