Chapter 84

Once Avery had relaxed a little bit, she turned to Adrian, he had a blank expression on his face and it was difficult for her to tell what he was thinking at that moment.

“I am sorry about these Adrain”

“It is alright, it is not your fault”

“It is, if not for me, he would not have shown up right here. I will speak to my Dad about this and make sure that he does not act in such manners again”

“Are you not getting back with him?” Adrian asked and there was a bit of excitement inside of her although she could not tell what to make out of his question if it meant that he was interested in her or not.

“No Adrian, there is nothing anyone can say that will make me get back with him again”

“But you do know that the business relationship your family has with them is based on the marriage proposal, things might not go so well for the Woods Corporation if you end things like that”

“If we can't do business with them, then we are going to find something else to do, perhaps a company stronger than
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