Chapter 85

By midnight, Kelvin was at the beach the next day like he had been instructed to do. Getting any sleep was not an easy job for him, the thought of the things that he would finally be able to achieve with this power that he was about to get clouded his mind.

The next day, things went through smoothly for Kelvin at the office, he was awkwardly in a good mood compared to how he had been since Adrian started work there and most especially, his projects went well.

For him, that was proof that he was destined the acquire whatever power this was as he did not care about the source, all he was concerned about was becoming more powerful than Adrian could ever be.

Kelvin stood at the Beach and this time, he was not impatient like yesterday after his encounter with Jason because he was certain that he would come.

A car drove to the beach, the whole place was empty at this time of the night and he knew that it had to be Jason, but it was two strange men dressed in a black suit and their eyes full
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