Zara tried to leave but Chase placed his hands against the wall, preventing her from taking a step. She turned around to repeat the same action but it was the same result.

Frustrated, she exhaled and with her lips pressed tightly together, slid through the wall to the floor so she would crawl away but before she could attempt doing that, Chase was crouching right in front of her.

“What do you want?” She mumbled, trying to act like she wasn't pissed but she couldn't keep it in. She kept darting her eyes around, making Chase convinced that indeed something was wrong.

“Can't you tell me?” He asked, trying to touch her face but she was quick to push his hand off.

Since she discovered the restaurant, Chase hadn’t returned home with her until today since he felt something was bothering her.

“Why did you return with me?” She was desperate to change the topic of discussion but Chase wouldn't fall for that trick.

“Can you tell me already and stop moving around in circles?” He sucked his t
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