All through the day, Chase didn't step out of his room. He alternated between lying on his bed, sitting and pacing about his room as he thought about the new phase of his life.

After helping Bernard, if only he knew he was going to make him a part of his family, he would have kept his distance from him, if he had done, he strongly believed he wouldn't be in this kind of situation.

Despite his current dilemma, Chase didn't even allow the thought of returning to his home to cross his mind. He was determined not to return but to stay back and steer his life in the direction he wanted.

Zara on the other hand kept calling him and when he wouldn't pick up, she gave up.

At about five pm when the restaurant was going to start booming with customers who were on their way back from work, Chase left for work.

“She wouldn't show up.” He muttered as he slid into the taxi he had boarded, referring to Zara. When the chauffeur turned in his direction, he quickly waved him off and then sank into h
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