Surprised to see Wembley, Chase was stunned for a while as he kept staring at him.

His current position did nothing but to scare him more, making his heart ram against his chest in a quick succession.

In a bid to make light of the current situation, Chase chuckled as he walked up to him.

Wembley too pulled away from the wall and with his hands still tucked in his pocket closed the gap that separated them.

“What's going on?” Wembley asked, starting the conversation.

“What's going on? What do you mean?” Chase asked with a casual tone as he searched his eyes for answers to his question.

The top question on his mind at that moment was if he had found out about him and Zara but at the same time he didn't want to voice it out.

What if he is talking about something else? - these words kept ringing in his head, thereby preventing him from parting his lips to make enquiries.

“It's been a while since we shared a drink, let's grab one after work.”


“What? Don't tell me y
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