It was now three weeks after Chase left and Zara kept hoping he would return but that didn't happen.

At work, she kept putting up her best and at the same time hoping Chase would have a conversation about what had happened with her but he acted like nothing of that sort happened leaving her frustrated but she didn't show or act like she was.

Pulling her luggage, Zara made her way towards the mansion. After a ton of review on if moving out was worth it, she finally returned to her family house.

That morning, Katherine and Raven were preparing to head to the company when Zara arrived. On seeing her, the duo exchanged glances, trying to get answers to unasked questions.

Zara on the other hand was lying on the couch with her phone in her face. She was aware of their presence but pretended not to have any idea.

“What are you doing here?” Raven broke the silence in the living room as she walked up to her.

Not bothering to look in her direction, Zara replied, “The last time I checked, I
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