Chapter 9

News about Alexander's greatness and bravery in eradicating all the dragons that attacked his country and neighboring countries became the number one topic of conversation for the past two days.

He became more and more famous. The women increasingly expected to be stared at by him, and he returned their smiles.

Alexander used to not like people talking about him, but now he likes it because they didn't talk about him being the son of the head of the dragon hunting Klaudstion organization.

Alexander could be proud of himself, even though he was able to kill all the dragons with that massive bow thanks to the mysterious power he obtained after being given the chance to restart his life.

No one dared to mock Alexander anymore because he couldn't fight with a sword. He accepted the nickname given to him by everyone in his country happily.

“An excellent archer.” Francis called Alexander by his new nickname.

Alexander looked at his friend with an expressionless face. The nickname made him even more passionate about killing all the dragons and expelling the devil from this planet.

He wouldn't let all humans die, and this planet would only be inhabited by dragons and devils.

"You can't smile, huh?" Francis squatted in front of Alexander, who was sitting on the grass. “Your face is very stiff. Your father's face is not as scary as yours.”

Alexander threw a stone at Francis' cheek. His friend wasn't angry; he just grinned broadly. Francis enjoyed teasing Alexander.

“I regret watching you practice.” Alexander was about to stand up, and Francis hurriedly pulled his hand with all his strength. Alexander's butt landed sharply on the grass. "If there was a rock, my butt would have a hole in it."

Francis chuckled. “You're overreacting.”

Alexander's gaze was fixed on the hunters who were practicing using swords. He used to be too lazy about coming to this place because the hunters would talk about him being very weak in battle, but now Alexander could watch Francis train with confidence.

Alexander never cared about other people's opinions about him, and his father was never disappointed or embarrassed to have a child like him. Alexander just wanted to save his ears from hearing their ugly voices and laughter.

“I love seeing sword duels,” Alexander said. “I love watching my dad fight Ezra.” He looked at Francis, who was also looking at him. “I also like watching you fight with Hendrick.”

Francis grinned widely and showed his cocky face. “I'm so great, aren't I? So far, the ones who can beat me are the head, vice head, coach, and several seniors!”

Alexander nodded without interest. He forgot that Francis liked to talk about his own greatness.

“Don't be sad that you can't use a sword well.” Francis suddenly patted Alexander's shoulder. “Everyone is jealous of your archery prowess, and other archers want to be as good as you.”

Francis wasn't like other people who thought Alexander was heartless just because Alexander never returned their taunts. Francis and Luca often found Alexander brooding, with sadness evident in his green eyes.

“I never expect others to envy me or for them to make me their role model.” Alexander shrugged his shoulders; his response matched what Francis was thinking.

“I never want to hold a sword again.” Alexander looked down at his hands. “My hands only want bows and arrows.”

“I'm the same as you,” said Francis. “I also have no interest in trying to use other weapons.”

Francis looked at his beloved sword. “I don't want to leave him, even for a second. I'm crazy about him." He chuckled.

Alexander shuddered in horror. It was the first time he had seen someone love something he owned so much.


While lying on the bed, waiting for his eyes to close so he could drift into dreamland, Alexander wondered if his strength and speed points would work when he used weapons other than bows and arrows.

Then he thought, maybe his strength and speed points were working fine because he was already skilled with a bow and arrow, but he had intelligence points.

Could intelligence points allow him to quickly master fighting techniques using other weapons?

"But I'm quite satisfied with my abilities now," Alexander muttered. He decided that, for the time being, he would focus on killing the dragon with arrows.

“Giant bow and arrows, made from the number one quality steel and iron on the planet.” Alexander looked at the giant arrow in his grasp. “This arrow became great and cool because of the strength and speed points that I have.”

A strong wind like a storm blew his brown hair. Alexander was on top of a 30-meter tower. Luca was a few steps next to him, practicing his wind magic.

“Would these arrows be great if someone else used them?” Alexander muttered, ignoring Luca, who was controlling the clouds with his wind magic. “I was the first to tame this giant bow and arrow.”

Sometimes Alexander was tempted to brag about his achievements. After all, he was always able to kill the dragons. His strength and speed points were numerous and would continue to increase as long as he succeeded in carrying out the duties from that foreign voice.

"Hero." All the hairs on Alexander's neck stood up. "That foreign voice once said that I was in the hero system, and she always said I had been chosen to be a hero every time she gave me a task."

If these three status points required him to be a hero, that means Alexander had a big responsibility.

“Did you come here to mumble and look at your new friend with admiration in your eyes?” Luca couldn't stop his mouth from commenting on Alexander's strange attitude.

“You're just like Francis now. You guys like to praise and talk with your weapons," said Luca. He glanced at Alexander briefly before he refocused with his wind magic.

“I'm different from Francis. I'm just confused about why I can shoot the dragons on target and I can become so rich if I want to receive the proceeds from selling the 20 dragons," said Alexander.

In his second life, Alexander was very clever at lying to hide his secrets.

Alexander put the giant arrow back in its original place, next to the giant bow. Then he stood next to Luca, and his green eyes observed Luca's wind magic, which had succeeded in shifting black clouds over the vast expanse of fields near their country.

“Wow, you're so great.” Alexander clapped with rounded lips. His two friends were so cool and great. They weren't the only ones who were proud and happy to have a friend like him.

“I can only control the wind,” said Luca. He took a deep breath and exhaled quickly. He was panting after using half his magic energy.

“Not everyone can be like you,” said Alexander, resting his elbows on the wall railing with his lazy gaze fixed on Luca. “You're not like the person I know. Luca never feel inferior.”

Luca laughed. He looked straight at Alexander and put his hand on his best friend's shoulder. “I'm not feeling inferior. What I said is reality. I can only control the wind, and I never complained why I only got wind magic.”

“Mm, you're cool.” Alexander nodded. “Never forget that mine and Francis' bodies cannot absorb magic stones.” He dropped his gaze downward, looking at the people walking on the street. “Many people are depressed because they can't become magic hunters.”

"You're right." Luca nodded. "Therefore, I can't complain, and I’m never tired of learning to control my wind magic." Luca's index finger created a small wave of wind, and Alexander tried to grip it, even though he knew he couldn't.

“But I'm just like any other magic hunter. I want to master other magic. I hope my body can absorb magic stones that contain fire or water magic.” The wind wave Luca created disappeared after he blew it.

“Humans can never be satisfied,” Alexander said.

"You're right." Luca nodded, and then he looked at Alexander, who was looking at the sky. “But everyone has different goals. There are those who want to be so strong because they want to help many people, and there are also those who just want everyone to respect them.”

Alexander looked straight at Luca. "How about you?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer. He knows his two best friends very well; they have been friends since childhood.

"Of course, I want to help many people." Luca smiled broadly. Then his gaze turned sad. “But you don't need me. You can shoot the dragons without me needing to control the wind.”

Alexander was stunned. Gosh, why did he forget that? He was too happy and confused by his strength, which was able to kill dragons with arrows.

“I'm going to need you.” Alexander said it seriously. “You can control clouds with your wind magic. You can push and pull the clouds.”

“I will practice every day,” said Luca. "I want to be your friend and work partner." He grinned. Luca was a person who always thought positively.

Alexander promised himself that he would always ask Luca for help controlling the wind when he wanted to shoot the dragon. In his previous life, if Luca hadn't been his work partner, the arrows he released wouldn't have been able to hit the dragon's body.

“When will the dragons attack again?” Alexander muttered, but Luca could hear him. He groaned when Luca hit him on the head.

“Why do you expect such bad things?” Luca glared at his friend. Alexander pressed his lips together.

Alexander had killed 20 dragons two days ago, but it seemed like a long time ago. Time appeared to pass slowly.

[7 days after the devil's subordinate dragons attacked humans.]

[You have been chosen to be a hero. Your third task lasts five days.]

[You must persuade them that the dragon that attacked them is a subordinate of the devil and that they have committed the sin of murdering the dragons who live in the forest, mountain, and cave.]

[If you fail. You will get a penalty.]

[You are powerful, but your status will decrease if you fail your task.]

"What?" Alexander was taken aback for a moment, and then he smiled crookedly. “A very challenging task.”

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