Chapter 4

We're only engaged, not married, so the Cadenn family didn't want to welcome you. In the past two years, I have endured a lot for the Cadenn family, and I have also faced criticism because of you. Gilbert's heart filled with warmth upon hearing this. His adoptive father, Lemar, once told him that not everyone around him was fake when he was in glory. True friends were those who supported you through difficult times.

Gilbert, now reduced to a fool with crippled legs, found it difficult. It wasn't straightforward for Azalea to make this decision. At first, Gilbert thought it was time to leave the Cadenn family because he had just woken up. However, upon hearing Azalea's words, he couldn't help but change his mind. Gilbert had a clear understanding of love and hate.  Even if he wanted to leave, he would still repay Azalea's kindness.

"I don't ask for much. I just want someone to help me lead the Cadenn family. I also want someone to go shopping with me—someone to protect me from the wind and rain," Azalea said.

Azalea huffed and then slowly rested her head on Gilbert's leg.

It was a rare display of emotion from her, but today she couldn't contain her feelings.


At that moment, Azalea felt a hand holding hers. She looked up and saw Gilbert's determined gaze. Her heart started beating rapidly, and she couldn't understand why."

"For the rest of my life, even if the country is destroyed, you will be the only one I love," Gilbert suddenly declared, causing Azalea's head to spin.

Moments later, Azalea pulled her hand away from Gilbert's and stood up abruptly, feeling shocked and embarrassed. She couldn't believe that Gilbert had regained consciousness. Her trust in him had crumbled, leaving her upset.

"You've regained consciousness. Why did you lie to me? Damn it..."

Azalea's anger was palpable as she glared at Gilbert.

Gilbert looked at Azalea seriously and replied, "I'm not lying. I just recovered a while ago." His response surprised Azalea, filling her with a mixture of panic and embarrassment. She turned away from him and started walking towards the house, tears welling up in her eyes.

As Gilbert sat in his wheelchair, gazing at the sun in the sky with a smile, he reflected on the past two years. During that time, he lost consciousness and became disabled, and Azalea was by his side, taking care of him. Despite his disability, he had been a fearless general on the battlefield, undefeated in combat.

He also had tender feelings worth living up to.

"Here you are. It's yours," Azalea said as she returned and tossed Gilbert a box.

I will not let your efforts go in vain for everything you have done for me," Gilbert said gratefully.

"You mentioned that we were only engaged. If you agree, I would love to plan a beautiful wedding for us," Gilbert replied, taking the box and gazing at Azalea earnestly.

"Think about what you can do now," Azalea suggested, looking at Gilbert's disabled legs with a cold expression, even though he had regained his sanity.

"Give me some time." Gilbert sighed softly.

"I have already given you two years," Azalea said, shaking her head slowly before turning to leave the room.

Initially, Azalea had only asked for permission to help Gilbert with sunbathing, but now she had to return to her duties at work.

"You have protected me for two years. I will ensure you have a prosperous life," she assured Gilbert before exiting.

Gilbert watched Azalea depart and then opened the small wooden box. Inside, he found a regular bank card, a box of silver needles, and various other items.

I didn't expect Theo to bring me these things," Gilbert soliloquized silently, picking up the box of silver needles.

He inserted the nine silver needles into the acupuncture points on both legs and moved them, causing the needles to shake like waves. Simultaneously, a warm current surged incessantly from his left leg to his right, and the blood flowed faster.

He was gradually regaining the power that had long disappeared from him.

People knew that Gilbert was invincible in battle, and he was the youngest Major General in the world. 

However, few people were aware of his photographic memory from childhood and his miraculous medical skill with the silver needle.

A moment later, Gilbert removed the silver needles from his legs and placed them back in the box.

He would fully recover in seven days at most in his current state; until then, he would continue to serve as the true general. In this world, no one could stop his footsteps. Gilbert gazed blankly at the sky, determined to repay the grace of the Cadenn family and reclaim everything he had lost.

In the courtyard, Gilbert's voice was calm and steady as he made his declarations. Meanwhile, Dylan and Mae engaged in a heated debate at the hotel. Mae questioned who Gilbert was and why she felt there was something unusual about him. 

Dylan, with a furrowed brow, pondered Gilbert's words and actions, feeling a sense of unease.

"What could it be? He's just a soldier, right?" he thought.

Mae, on the other hand, wondered to herself, "I don't know why Dave promised Azalea to him." Fortunately, they were only engaged and had not yet gotten married. Otherwise, others would have laughed at the Cadenn family. Mae snorted coldly, feeling frustrated at the mention of Gilbert.

According to my sources, I heard that over two years ago, there was a commander named Huxley in the Northwest Army. As the youngest general in the army, he gained widespread respect and was considered invincible, holding the world's greatest power. We could call him a national hero without treating him equally.

"Gilbert is..."

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