Chapter 5

Gilbert's last name is Huxley. Could this have anything to do with the general?

Upon hearing this, Mae laughed disdainfully.

"If Gilbert had any connection with him, I would get on my knees and beg him to be my son-in-law," Mae said sarcastically.

"What's his rank in the army? I don't think he holds an effortless position," Mae continued.

"Dylan, the eldest son of the Killian family, had a more visionary perspective than Mae."

Mae clarified, "Even as an ordinary soldier, he would be eligible for pensions worth tens of thousands if he were to leave the army."

All he possessed were old clothes, a broken sword, and an empty bank account. Mae noticed a box of needles and wondered if he had been involved in embroidery during his time in the army.

Mae's observations initially surprised Dylan, but he soon joined her in her laughter.

"Yes, even a mediocre soldier would have a pension, but he seems to have nothing. Perhaps we are overthinking this."

Dylan was immediately relieved and laughed. He knew that even if he recovered now, he would be of no use.

"I will find a way to expel him, and then you can propose marriage," Mae said, looking at Dylan and saying what he wanted to do most. Dylan clapped his hands excitedly and asked, "What should we do now?"

They had just gotten engaged and hadn't gotten married yet. Initially, Azalea had taken him in because he was kind-hearted. Now that he had recovered, there was no Killian for him to stay with the Cadenn family.

Two days later, it was old Mrs. Cadenn's birthday. I will present this in front of all members of the Cadenn family.

"Azalea will then have to agree," Mae confidently said.

"Good. I'll wait for your positive news. Haha," Mae was pleased with Dylan's enthusiasm, she added.

Dylan lived with the Killian family, a well-known clan throughout Texas City.

If Azalea could marry into the Killian family, the Cadenn family would surely revive, and Mae would become the family's outstanding hero.

Two days later at Texas City Hotels, all members of the Cadenn family gathered in a private high-rise room, saying, "God bless the Cadenn family forever prosperous."

Today was Mrs. Cadenn's seventieth birthday, and all the members of the Cadenn family attended her birthday party. Not only were there people from the Cadenn family, but also some famous families from Texas City. The Cadenn family had dwindled over the years, becoming a third-rate family after Dave's death, but they still had some social connections. 

At the main table, there were other guests gathered around old Mrs. Cadennsat. "Grandma, I'm sorry we're late," Azalea said as she entered with Gilbert.

Old Mrs. Cadenn looked at Azalea but didn't respond.

"Did you know you should come?" Azalea asked. "I thought you forgot my birthday," Ashley Cadenn, Azalea's cousin, said, rolling her eyes.

Ashley had always been envious of Azalea's beauty and had been distant from her since childhood.

"Harold Cadenn, the son of the Cadenn family, chimed in."

"Haha, people should not forget their roots. I'm afraid some people have forgotten where they come from. Without our grandmother, we wouldn't be here today." Suddenly, everyone in the Cadenn family started blaming Azalea, except for her parents and old Mrs. Cadenn.

Even the wealthy families from Texas City present at the party didn't pay much attention to the drama that unfolded. It was evident that the Cadenn family, who had taken in Gilbert two years ago, had become the subject of ridicule in Texas City, all because of Gilbert.


Azalea gently explained, "Grandma, Gilbert's legs caused our delay."

"Please, have a seat," Old Mrs. Cadenn said, waving her hand to interrupt. "We weren't expecting you anyway."

Ashley touched the diamond on her nail and spoke softly.

Azalea tilted her head slightly and pushed Gilbert away.

"Did I just see you bring the fool here?" everyone in the Cadenn family asked in surprise upon seeing Gilbert.

"We are here to celebrate Grandma's birthday today. Azalea blushed, feeling like a clown in everyone's eyes. "I couldn't cook alone at home," she said. "Are you out of your mind?"

Mae got up from the next seat, approached Azalea, and whispered, "

Haven't you disgraced our family enough? Why did you bring him here?

Today is your grandmother's birthday, and many prominent families from Texas City are here. Why did you do that?"

Mae quietly reproached Azalea, while Gilbert sat in a wheelchair and observed the scene.

Whether it was the Cadenn family or the famous Texas families, everyone in attendance looked on. Harold looked at Azalea and Gilbert with disdain and scoffed, "Haha, he's a damn retard."

The individuals seated at the tables erupted into laughter, causing Mae to blush even more. Azalea appeared to be like a vessel in a tempest, constantly undergoing devastation.

"The Cadenn family used to be a first-class family in Texas City, but now they are considered a third-rate family," Harold continued. Suddenly, a slow voice interrupted.

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