Chapter 6

The audience froze, then shifted their focus to Gilbert, seated in a wheelchair. Gilbert appeared calm and unafraid as he met their gaze, leaving the Cadenn family confused. Had Gilbert really spoken those words? They also noticed that Gilbert had stopped drooling and seemed different that day.

"What did you say?"

Harold asked Gilbert, frowning and sounding timid. "Are you deaf?"

Gilbert remained indifferent.

Harold suddenly stood up and pointed at Gilbert. How dare a fool speak to him like that? The Cadenn family, along with the wealthy families of Texas City, quickly grasped the situation.

Gilbert had regained his sanity overnight, but he still had physical disabilities. "Gilbert, do you believe you can look down on the Cadenn family? For the past two years, the Cadenn family has cared for you."

What gives you the right to disrespect us? Thanks to you, the Cadenn family has become a laughingstock in Texas City," Ashley said coldly as she pointed at Gilbert.

"Stop flattering yourself. Azalea has taken care of me. This has no connection to the entire family." 

Gilbert retorted, glancing casually at Ashley and scoffing, calling him a "bastard."

Old Mrs. Cadenn clapped her hands across the table and rose immediately.

"Two years ago, the Cadenn family became the laughingstock of all of Texas City, thanks to you. Do you talk like this instead of being grateful after waking up?" she scolded.

"You are also responsible for the damage to Azalea's reputation. How dare you say that she has no relationship with the Cadenn family?"

Mrs. Cadenn's last words made Gilbert fall silent. She was right. Azalea was the only person he felt sorry for.

"How could the Cadenn family be in such a situation without you?" Old Mrs. Cadenn snorted coldly again, leaving Gilbert speechless.

Seeing that Gilbert was no longer speaking, the audience jeered even more.

"Now that you've recovered and are here for Grandma's birthday party, can I ask what you have prepared for Grandma?"

Harold snorted coldly, but he was not about to let Gilbert go easily.

Azalea hurriedly said, "We prepared."

"Not us, but him. You're not him, Azalea. You haven't married him yet." Ashley burst out laughing, her eyes full of sarcasm.

Azalea sighed lightly. Gilbert had no money, so what could he get?

"It's my treat."

At that moment, Gilbert carefully removed a small box, leaving everyone stunned. Had he prepared a gift?

The small wooden chest in his hand appeared ordinary, but the design was somewhat chic. "What is it?"

Harold reached out to grab it and promptly opened it, sparking curiosity among the others. What precious item could this fool be presenting? 

"What is it Gilbert, Is this dog poop?" Suddenly, Harold exclaimed as he pulled out a dark brown tablet from the box, which emitted a light fragrance.

Gilbert squinted his eyes. The term "dog poop" had become popular among many. However, Gilbert didn't feel the need to explain further. "Gilbert, what is this?"

Azalea inquired, unable to contain her curiosity. 

"This is the pill. I heard from you that grandma has a serious illness.

If she takes this, it will cure her," Gilbert explained softly.


Everyone was stunned and then burst out laughing. They thought he was coming to his senses, but they misunderstood. He went from being a fool to a madman.


"Do you think you are a highly qualified doctor? Cure her? You should treat your legs. Ha ha!" Harold, Ashley, and others scoffed.


"You've gone too far," Azalea said angrily, looking at the crowd.


"Azalea, they're telling the truth. He himself is disabled, and I dare not take the pills he gives." Old Mrs. Cadenn slowly waved her hand at her, disdain shining in her eyes.


The audience erupted in laughter once more. Regardless of the occasion, he was always the butt of jokes in others' eyes.

"Wish old Mrs. Cadenna a long life," Dylan announced.

"Dylan presents a gift of the finest emerald and wishes old Mrs. Cadenna all the best."

Just then, Dylan arrived with a box and two black-clad bodyguards on either side. Dressed in an expensive suit, Dylan seemed to attach immense importance to the wedding party.

"Old Mrs. Cadenna's birthday," someone announced. 

"Mr. Killian, you're here. Please have a seat."

Immediately, all the members of the Cadenna family rose one by one to greet Dylan warmly. Many other people, including the magnates of Texas City, were eager to welcome him.

Gilbert was completely ignored. Despite old Mrs. Cadenna's deliberate restraint, there was a hint of emotion in her eyes. Though Dylan arrived after Gilbert, the difference in treatment was stark.

The Killian family was the new, up-and-coming, and famous Texas City family.

If the Cadenn family could collaborate with the Killian family, they could naturally receive a lot of help. "Dylan, there you are."

With a sweet smile on her face, Ashley pushed Azalea to one side. However, Dylan did not look at Ashley; instead, he turned to greet Azalea.

Azalea had to nod slightly.

"Isn't that Gilbert? Did you ask Azalea to drive you here for a free dinner?

"Dylan clapped his hands and looked at Gilbert with disdain, emphasizing the word "push." "If you are wise enough, give me back what is mine." Gilbert looked at Dylan and said it calmly.

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