Chapter 7

When he heard this, Dylan leaned in slowly, looking at Gilbert.

Then, he whispered with a voice audible only to them, "If I take it, what can you do to stop me?"

"Do you believe I appreciate your clothing?" I want it because the saying goes, "Women are like clothes."

"Since I'm wearing your clothes, you must understand what it means," Dylan continued.

After saying this, Dylan suddenly stood up, fearing that Gilbert might slap him again. A chill flashed in Gilbert's eyes, indicating a deep grudge against Dylan.

"Here's a gift for you," Dylan said as he placed the rare jade in front of Old Mrs. Cadenn.

The high quality and exquisite packaging delighted Mrs. Cadenn.

"Thank you, Mr. Killian," Old Mrs. Cadenns said with a slight smile, showing her satisfaction.

"That's the difference. Gilbert was a fool before, but now he has recovered. What did he give you for your birthday?" Dylan asked pointedly, looking over at Gilbert.

"Dylan, this is what he gave me," Harold said, raising her hand slightly and shaking the brown pill in her hand.

"What is it?"

Dylan frowned as he took a closer look.

Gilbert claimed that it was a pill that could cure all diseases. Harold smiled disdainfully in response. On the other hand, Dylan froze momentarily before pretending to sniff it. Without hesitation, he threw it to the ground and even stepped on it. Observing this, Gilbert sneered.


Azalea intervened by gently placing a hand on Gilbert's shoulder, prompting her to relax and remain silent.

"Old Mrs. Cadenn, this is not a cure-all pill. I'm not sure what it is, but consuming it could be dangerous," Azalea explained.


Dylan, though skeptical, maintained a serious expression. He wondered if Gilbert intended to harm Mrs. Cadenn. Mr. Killian's medical expertise justified Dylan's caution.


"Gilbert, are you trying to harm my grandmother?"

Dylan inquired, concerned about Gilbert's intentions. Gilbert insisted that there was only one pill, causing confusion among the onlookers.


Gilbert then addressed the audience, saying, "What do you mean?"

Dylan scoffed and exchanged a knowing glance with Gilbert. Gilbert shook his head slowly, and he didn't want to explain too much.

"Azalea, you accepted this fool and even desired to sever relations with Grandma two years ago."

"Now, he wants to harm Grandma. What are you thinking?"

Ashley immediately stepped forward, pointing at Azalea and cursing.


Ashley's words left Azalea speechless. She didn't know where Gilbert got the pill from.

She didn't expect that Gilbert's sobriety would make her situation even more difficult. "He's a fool. Why didn't you stop him?

"Azalea asked. "Azalea, you really disappointed me." Old Mrs. Cadenn looked at Azalea and snorted coldly.

At this point, Azalea and Gilbert were once again the focus of all the blame.

"You are not welcome here. Go away," Ashley said to Azalea, crossing her arms.

Old Mrs. Cadenn, as well as all of the Cadenn family members, did not help Azalea.

"Grandma, don't be angry. There must be some misunderstanding. When I find out, I'll explain it to you." Azalea sighed lightly and then slowly pushed Gilbert towards the door. 

She attended her grandmother's birthday party, but the public threw her out. No one knew how upset Azalea was now. Dylan initially wanted to keep Azalea, but considering her plan, he didn't stop her.

With Gilbert's departure, the atmosphere in the room improved. Harold smiled and said, "Everyone started laughing; even Mae joined in."

In her mind, she had never considered Gilbert a son-in-law because he didn't marry Azalea. Therefore, Gilbert's misfortune had nothing to do with Azalea.

"I want to say something on your birthday." Mae glanced at old Mrs. Cadennand and slowly stood up. "Go ahead," Mrs. Cadenns said, waving her hand slightly.

"Now that Gilbert has recovered, I think he should leave the Cadenn family. Two years ago, numerous wealthy families from Texas City came to propose marriage to Azalea.


"However, since Gilbert's arrival, Azalea's reputation has suffered, and no one has approached her to propose marriage. Now that Gilbert has recovered, we have been generous enough not to let it hinder Azalea's progress," Mae told everyone.

When I heard this, all members of the Cadenn family, including the tycoons of Texas City, nodded in agreement.

Azalea had taken care of Gilbert for over two years, showing her benevolence. Now that Gilbert had regained consciousness, he could no longer stay with the Cadenn family.

That's right. But he has truly destroyed Azalea's reputation.

Who is willing to marry Azalea now? Old Mrs. Cadenn frowned and muttered.

Hearing this, the rich families from Texas City were a little surprised.

"Whoever said no one would like her? Azalea was the prettiest in Texas City. Gilbert hasn't touched Azalea for the past two years. Even if he did, Dylan would be open to marrying Azalea."

"Mrs. Cadenn, I want to propose to Azalea. If you agree, I will come immediately to propose marriage," said Dylan. Hearing this, old Mrs. Cadenn couldn't help but be delighted.

The Killian family, a newcomer to Texas City, had unlimited potential.

If the Cadenn family marries the Killian family, they could change the current situation and return to the ranks of first-class families. Old Mrs. Cadenn didn't hesitate at all, and she almost agreed.

Mr. Kane from Kane Medicine came to congratulate old Mrs. Cadennon on her birthday. When the gatekeeper announced his arrival, it surprised everyone in the room. Kane Medicine was a leading medicinal industry company in Texas City, surpassing even the Killian family's medicine business. TThe Kane family had a long history in the medicine field, offering not only medicines but also consultations, making them more than just drug dealers.

A middle-aged man and an older man entered the room shortly after. Mr. Kane presented a pill to old Mrs. Cadenn, claiming it could prolong life, replenish blood, and delay aging. Old Mrs. Cadenn expressed her gratitude and invited Mr. Kane to sit down, much to the amazement of the Cadenn family, who considered Kane Medicine a valuable treasure. 

As Mr. Kane interacted with the Cadenn family, a pleasant smell filled the room, enhancing the occasion's atmosphere.

Suddenly, the old man next to Mr. Kane sniffed and asked, "What is that smell?"

Everyone froze.

"No, it smells like... it is." The old man carefully identified the scent, and his eyes slowly opened as he began searching the room.

Then he pushed Dylan away and squatted down, staring straight at the pill that Dylan had stomped on.

"No way! It is a huge waste."

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