As soon as they stepped outside, their eyes widened in shock and their faces were etched with confusion at what they saw.

"Lincoln!" Mrs. Brenda Reynolds screamed as she rushed to her son's side. "Your face is badly swollen, what happened?!"

"Did you get into a fight with someone?!" Freda chimed in, her eyes darting around in search of anyone else. "Also, this might not be the right time to ask, but have you seen Justin?!"

"Damn, you got knocked out bad" Franklin added, staring at Lincoln's swollen face.

Evan had managed to slip away before they could spot him.

"T-that scumbag attacked me! When I came out of the hall, he charged at me for no reason" Lincoln said, clutching his ribs in pain.

"Evan?" Freda asked in surprise. Why would he attack her brother without any reason?

Though she hated Evan, she knew he wasn't the type to start a fight unless provoked.

"Yes" Lincoln replied, wincing.

"That scoundrel! How dare he do this to my son? I'll make sure he pays for this!
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