So Long, My Clansmen

Along with other able-bodied clansmen, Lynn gathered the bodies of all the fallen clansmen together in a heap, and cremated the bodies. He was busy throughout the night until the sky was brightly lit by the sun, and all the dead clansmen had been cremated.

After doing all this, Lynn did not leave, but waited for a few days instructing the clansmen to pack everything that could be termed as useful.

Before long, all the valuables that the tribe had accumulated over the years, such as food, clothing, weapons, and the rest, were piled up at the central square of the village.

In the early morning of the fourth day, Lynn gathered the surviving clansmen at the village square. Seeing the mountain-like objects piled up in front of him, he was overwhelmed. "Uncle Callor, all these?"

"Yes, Lynn. Everything useful is here. The rest were left behind." Callor didn't rest well these days due to the amount of work that he had been doing. The two dark circles under his eyes were evidences of his lack of sleep. Except for Lynn being the son of the rulers, he had the highest status in the clan. So he had been directing the clansmen to sort out their items.

Lynn took out a ring of spatial storage from the space, which was the space ring he got from the the cave. He used his spiritual sense to sweep through the items piled up on the square, and everything was immediately transferred into the space in the ring of spatial storage.

Then, he handed the ring to Callor and said, "Uncle Callor, please take this ring. Everything you brought is all inside this ring."

"Lynn, I don't have the power to use something like this. Moreover, you're next in line to be the leader of the clan. Why don't you hold the ring?" Callor didn't understand why the boy was giving him the item. Since he wasn't in line to succeed the late leader, wasn't it better for the son of the patriarch to hold it by himself?

"Uncle Callor, you have also seen that our clan has suffered greatly. We can no longer stay here. So, from now on, there will be no Ironwood clan anymore." Lynn replied with heavy heart and the remaining members of the clan also silently lowered their heads. He took a deep breath and then continued. "Uncle Callor, you'll lead the rest of the clan to the south to join the Fountain clan. When you see my sister Ember, tell her what happened. Please, don't let her be too sad, and I hope you'll all live a good life among the Fountain tribe."

"But..." Callor was stunned for a moment, and suddenly asked. "...are you not coming with us?"

Lynn shook his head and said. "I have a different path to take. So I won't be going with you."

Callor was silent for a few seconds, then slowly asked. "Is it revenge?,if you plan to seek vengeance, then let us go with you."

"Yes, let's go together." The other clansmen also said firmly.

Lynn's eyes suddenly turned red with deep emotions. This was the Ironwood tribe his parents built with their own hands. To have these warriors as his clan really made him proud. He took a step back and bowed deeply to the people. The clansmen immediately quieted down, not understanding what the surviving heir meant by his action. "I thank you all for your unyielding resolution. However, the antherions are extremely strong, so we can't deal with them now. What I plan to do was what my parents told me before their death. I have to become stronger."

Callor frowned and asked. "Lynn, you and I are not strangers to each other. Can you tell me what's going on? Whatever it is, you must know you're not alone. I'll surely accompany you."

Lynn shook his head and said. "There's no need, Uncle Callor. To be honest, my parents wrote a letter before their death, asking me to go to the Arcane academy to find a master named Buleath the Bloodsworn, to learn the arcane arts. I want to do this right away. I'll leave here and go to study without delay. You don't have to worry about me, I can protect myself from minor dangers. Uncle, lead the people to the Fountain tribe in peace."

Afterwards, Lynn being afraid that Callor would not believe him, took out the letter written by his father and showed it to him.

Callor glanced at it and nodded in agreement. "Lynn, Arcane academy is located in the city of Morya in the north of the mainland. I'm afraid you won't be able to get there in a month or two. There is no one to take care of you along the way, I really worry about this."

"Uncle Callor, don't worry, all the way to Morya City is a place ruled by humans, and only few monsters dare to come. As long as I am careful, there is no problem in protecting myself. Instead, I'm worried about your journey to the Fountain tribe. There are a lot of antherion territories on your route, so you must protect our clansmen."

Chi still wanted to argue, but seeing Lynn frowning, he knew that Lynn was determined, and he no longer insisted. "Alright then."

Lynn nodded in thanks. "Uncle Callor, you must all be careful on the road. When you arrive at the Fountain tribe, hand over the ring of spatial storage to Master Glendower, he'll know how to use it. Tell him that I am still alive and the tribe will never perish. Let him treat my sister well. In the future, when I've learnt a few things, I'll definitely come to the tribe's place to greet my sister."

"I will keep to your words, Lynn."

After that, Lynn bowed deeply again and said loudly. "Everyone, I bid my farewell now. Let's take care of one another when we go to the Fountain tribe. One day, I will definitely come to visit everyone. Untill then, so long."

Then he strode away under everyone's sorrowful eyes. No clan, no relatives, no worries.

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