Back To The Ironwood Village

Back at the water pool in the small hole, Lynn took a deep breath and plunged down. After diving for more than twenty meters, the water pool stretched out. There was a bright spot in the distance, which should be the entrance of the cave.

After swimming for a time, the bright spot opened up in front of him. Exit was getting nearer, so he continued. He didn't get drowned because of his deep essence he had harnessed.

Realizing he was at the bank of the water, he quickly rushed out of the water and took a few breaths of fresh air. The rumbling sound of the waterfall in his ears told him that this was the deep pool under the waterfall.

The Remnant's voice sounded again. "Child, I've already used my divine sense to investigate your surroundings. There is no danger around."

Lynn thanked his spirit guide and looked up at the high cliff, recalling everything that happened before in this world. His father, mother and sister, all died tragically in the hands of the antherions. Sadly at this time, his father's bones could not be found, but his mother's ashes was kept in his own spatial storage. And he believed his sister's body should still be on the cliff.

Thinking of this, Lynn wailed in anguish. After a long while, he managed to control his emotions, and began to find a place to climb to the cliff.

Because it was located at the edge of the waterfall, the rocks were very smooth. Lynn managed to climb to the top of the cliff after a lot of hard work. After searching his memory, he found the place where Wynter and Harbonok fought.

There were still many traces of a hard-fought battle around, but there was no trace of Wynter. Lynn couldn't help but have a glimmer of hope, praying in his heart that Wynter could have escaped from the clutches of the mad dragon. But as a matter of fact, Wynter had already exploded his life essence, just like how Lynn's father did many years back, but didn't survive and his body had been swept away by the water current.

Lynn found the place where Amber was killed. There was still a pool of blood on the ground which had already turned black and was air-dried. It should have been left by her, but her body was gone. There seem to be traces of bloodstain on the ground from the body being dragged around.

Seeing this, Lynn sobbed for a while, but didn't dare think about it any further. He quickly followed the trail of blood, searching. Along the way, he saw some bloodstains hanging on several branches, and also picked up a shoe belonging to Amber. He remembered that she made it from animal skins herself. After the sewing was finished, Lynn once laughed at her craftsmanship as not as good as Ember's. Amber was pulling on Lynn's little face at that time. So, there was no mistaken the owner of the shoe.

"Child, don't dwell on sadness. It only weakens the soul." The Remnant didn't know how to comfort Lynn at this time, but he had already sensed a tiger, eating a corpse, a hundred meters ahead. He didn't want Lynn to be attacked unaware by tiger again under the current circumstances. Although it was just an ordinary, juvenile tiger, the boy didn't have any self-defense skills right now.

"My sister..." Lynn said sadly.

"I know, but don't be sadder when you hear this. Your sister's body is hundred meters ahead. Her body is being eaten by a tiger over there."

After The Remnant's words, he stopped talking. After all, this was an unavoidable pain that he could only bear by himself. The Remnant could only guide and provide the little help it could. So, he wiped the tears from his eyes, climbed to a high slope to look at the scene ahead, and saw to his dismay, a tiger, not far away from him, eating a corpse. Judging from the clothes, it was his good sister?

Lynn's anger suddenly surged up, his body swayed, and he almost fainted from the roiling essence in his vein. He grabbed a piece of dead wood from under his feet and rushed towards the tiger. The tiger was already very alert. It turned its head when it heard the movement, but found that it was only a child who was running over. It slowly dropped the food in his mouth and rushed towards the boy.

Nearing the on rushing tiger, Lynn threw the stick in his hand. The tiger did not expect that the young human would throw the only weapon in his hand, and it was already on a high speed. As soon as it twisted its body, its head flashed past the boy, but its body was hit by the dead wood, making it twist its front legs. It dropped to the ground in pain, letting out a painful roar.

At this moment, Lynn picked up a large stone, jumped in front of the tiger in a flash, and smashed its head open after taking a huge swing. He continued to hit the head of the tiger until he no longer had the strength to lift the stone, and then he stopped.

Lynn knelt on the ground, and wanted to cry some more, but there was something stuck in his throat, so he couldn't cry. Taking a deep breath, he roared in anger, and raised the stone and smashed it on the tiger's head for the last time. Then, he threw the stone away, shouting in grief at the sky. "Sister..."

Flocks of birds were immediately frightened by this heart-piercing roar and took to the sky from the forest trees. But Lynn's screams continued to echo in the valley for a long time as he made his way towards his village.

Entering the outskirts of his village, Lynn shook his in anguish. After the ravages of the antherions, the Ironwood village had already changed beyond recognition. Nearly two days had passed since the retreat of the antherions, so the tranquility in the village was unusual at this point. There was not a single trace of smoke coming out from the huts, but a few wolves could be seen all over the lands of the tribe.

All his clansmen were dying everywhere. On the premises of the entire tribe, the only living creatures moving around were the lone wolves that were drawn by the smell of blood and came to the clan to hunt for food. Usually these lone wolves would only watch the smoke from fire made by the humans from a distance.

Seeing everything in front of him, Lynn's heart continued to bleed. Due to excessive sadness, his perception was a little numb at this time. He ran to the top of the dirt slope to check his old hut, and found it destroyed by the antherions. He picked up a black iron bow and quiver, and rushed down the slope. With great annoyance, he shot the lone wolves to death.

"It's the son of the patriarch." At this moment, less than a dozen clansmen, some injured, came out of the jungle in the distance, with faces full of surprises.

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