The Journal Of Auren, The Archmage

Because the dragonstone was quite large, Lynn had to put it on the ground beside the stone table, and said at the same time. "Remnant, there are two booklets here, let me take them out to see."

There was nothing extraordinary about the booklets, they were just the kind of journals or memoirs which could be seen everywhere. On the covers of one of the two books, was the caption "A Gift to The Fated", and the other was labeled "Secrets of Light Magic."

Lynn opened the first book, only to see the first page read. "Whoever sees this book is the destined soul."

Lynn blinked his eyes and couldn't help but read on. Starting from the second page, there were some notes written by the person who left the book. It read as follows:

"I am Auren, the Divine Archmage of the Kingdom of Enders. I'm a light mage, and a good one at that. One day, a dragonstone suddenly appeared in the kingdom, and I was extremely happy. It wasn't just any dragonstone, but that of a golden dragon.

Back then, I was a high mage. I originally wanted to break through the high mage level with the power of the dragonstone and reach the-level of Archmage. But somehow, this matter became known to the Dragon Clan, which caused a great chaos and disaster.

The Dragon Clan had never allowed the Dragonstone to be seen outside their clan since ancient times, and this time was no exception. Within a few days, the dragons led a large number of antherions to attack, killing countless warriors and civilians. More than forty members of my family died in the hands of the antherions.

I was lucky enough to escape and stumbled into this hole. Seeing the legendary sacred tree, I stayed here to concentrate on harnessing Ether, waiting for my time to seek revenge.

The Sacred tree has long been extinct in legends. I think it was because the sky will never change its appearance, so I was fortunate to find this tree here.

I believe the Sacred tree was born by obtaining the essence of Ether. Its roots can reach hundreds of kilometers underground, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth hidden in the ground.

Every morning during the twilight, the Sacred tree would release its energy once, which was also the origin of the name of the activators absorb this spiritual energy and essence, although only one hour a day, but it is worth the effect of self-cultivation for half a month. The lower the cultivation level, the faster the improvement rate.

There were also luminous bugs around the sacred tree. After my research, they're a variant of the Celestial Worm, which I call "skyworm". Because of the mutation, the celestial worm does not spin silk, but I accidentally discovered that the defensive performance of a celestial silkworm shell, when soaked in the tree's body fluids, can be improved to the limit.

Because eating silkworms could enhance my physique, I began to consume them. Don't forget, I was seriously injured and tried to eat silkworms at the edge of my mortality, but I found that eating raw silkworms could not only increase the level of my essence, but also change my physique.

However, this worm cannot be overate. Depending on the conveyance level of each person, one can safely eat one every three days.

With this unique place, the Dragonstone had lost its previous value to me. Therefore, I did not use the effusion of the Dragonstone.

I worked hard to harness the essence of Ether in this cave for a year, and I became an archmage. But I didn't go out. After a year of observation, I realized that the appearance of the dragonstone was a bit strange.

At that time, my kingdom of Enders was at war with Deerfield.. Lamarr, the divine warlock of Deerfield had already attacked our nation several times, but he kept returning to attack. I suspected that the dragonstone and arousing the anger of the dragons were all the plans of Lamarr.

For more than a year of me being here not able to protect my kingdom meant Lamarr must have already invaded my nation. With my conveyance being at the early stage of the Archmage, it would be a bit difficult to take revenge. So, I kept practicing in this cave. Before I knew it, one hundred years had passed. My conveyance had also shifted from low level Archmage to the level of divine Archmage."

Seeing this, The Remnant gasped incessantly. It only took this mage a little more than a hundred years to advance from the lowest level of Archmage to the top level of Archmage. That was too fast. He recalled that he had been harnessing the power of Ether for tens of thousands of years from the lowest level of Archmage to its divine level. The Remnant looked at the aura of Ether that filled the sky of the cave endlessly, and was filled with emotion.

Meanwhile, Lynn continued reading the journal.

"At this time, there were only more than a hundred skyworms in the cave that haven't been eaten by me. If I continue eating them, I'm afraid this bugs will become extinct at this rate. Moreover, I know it's time for me to take revenge.

It has been more than a hundred years, and I didn't know what the world had become, whether that hateful Lamarr has also reached the threshold of divinity. I do not have the absolute certainty of defeating my enemy, I was afraid that my conveyance would be for nothing from now on. So I leave the Light Magic that I have acquired in my lifetime here in this book, and pass it on to the one who is destined to acquire it.

At the same time, I also keep the dragonstone that brought the of annihilation of my people. It must be kept safely, and not to let the dragons or other antherions know about it, otherwise there would be endless troubles for you and your people.

This light magic staff is called "Archa", and it is a treasure that had followed me all my life. It could increase the caster's attack and defense power by a great margin, suitable for light and water mages. But with my current level, it is useless to me, so I leave it as a souvenir for the one who is destined to have it.

Month of the Rising Moon, year three hundred of the Mocking Gods."

"Year three hundred of the Mocking Gods? Two hundred thousand years ago?" Lynn exclaimed: No wonder the Archmage mentioned two kingdoms in his journal. As far as Lynn knew, the unification of all human races as one race had exceeded two hundred thousand years. The history of two hundred thousand years ago was probably inscribed in some memory orbs, but as far as he knew, they no longer exist.

The Remnant was even more surprised than Lynn when he saw this. He said excitedly. "Incredible. No wonder this name looks so familiar. I finally remembered it, child."

Lynn was startled and couldn't help asking. "Do you know him?"

The Remnant smiled and said. "Silly child, do you think I've lived for two hundred thousand years? No, I didn't know him personally, but he was the mighty conveyor who unified the various races of mankind hundreds of thousands of years ago."

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