The Underground Chamber

"What have you done?"

"Hm?" Lynn shuddered in surprise and anxiousness, not because of the discovery just now, but the voice that spoke now was not his. He asked slowly. "The Remnant, is that you?"

The voice of The Remnant suddenly came into his mind. "Yes."

Lynn was happy. "I was trying to contact you."

"Yes, I know." The Remnant replied and let out a mild breath. "Your oath of vengeance is now bound to your soul, and to some extent, mine. If you don't fulfill the oath, your soul will dissipate into nothingness, and you'll find yourself in the hall of Hades."


"Yes, and your soul will be filled with regrets. So, you'll have to take it seriously from now on. But most importantly, only seek revenge when you're strong enough. It's never too late for a warrior to take revenge, even if it takes longer than necessary."

"Yes. I understand, The Remnant. This enemy has thrown down the gauntlet, and when I'm ready, I will have to settle the accounts with him."

"It's good you understood.
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