• Class President Selected

It was another Monday morning which meant that they were having physics class today, first period . Skyler and Raul walked side by side, approaching the lecture hall.

For months they were actually extra early so they did not need to rush and they could take their time to get there.

Behind them the sound of approaching footsteps met their ears, it was Amy and her posse.

Skyler rolled her eyes, knowing that having them within proximity spelt nothing but trouble. They were just rich spoilt brats who believe that everything should go their way.

“So, are you still finally official? Are you a couple?” Amy asked, trying her best to hold back a laugh. Sophia and Claire in the background were giggling.

“Ignore them,” Raul whispered to Skyler but she couldn't care less. She wasn't afraid of these girls, not when her brother was the legion commander.

“What's it to you? Do you like him? Maybe it's because you've been begging for his attention and he has given you none. That's why you're so
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