• “I Like Quiet”

Irene stayed put, completely unfazed by Mason. Skyler's heart was in her mouth as she watched Mason form a fist with his hands, throwing a punch.

With one gentle movement, she stepped away from the trajectory of the blow, causing him to miss completely. Then she grabbed his arm and yanked him forward using his own momentum against him.

With skilful precision she flipped Mason and he landed painfully on his back. “Be thankful that I did not choose to dislocate your arm,” she whispered to him.

Now his other friends who were struggling with Raul were stunned. How could a woman like this bring a muscular guy like Mason to the floor within seconds?

Killian stepped out. “So you want to fight with men huh?”

The two other boys began cheering him up. “Well bring it on, I'll show you what it means to fight with a man today.”

Irene leaped forward, her knees crashing against his chest. He didn't even know what happened until he found himself on the ground.

“Does anyone else wish to embarrass
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