• Scholarship Kids

Skyler's ears were still ringing from what she had just heard. “What?” She mouthed in shock. From the distance she could hear Amy's giggling but she paid it little attention.

“I'm sorry Mrs Vanguard, are you having hearing problems? I said you're expelled,” Timothy repeated himself.

“On whose authority?” Mr Donovan asked.

“The school board, you can go confirm for yourself if you're in doubt.”

Tears stung her eyes as they began to gather. All her hard work to come here was just thrown in the drain. “Why? What did I do?”

Timothy raised his hands as if to signify that he wasn't involved in the decision making. “Don't blame me, blame the school board. They saw your video, the one where you grab the chair and used it to assault a student, that is strictly against school rules and grounds for expulsion so I'm sorry.”

“Skyler -” Raul tried to reach out but she grabbed her bags and stomped out of the classroom in a hurry.

Donovan narrowed his eyes on Timothy, having a hunch feeling that t
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