• Threat Of The Police

Leilani gasped upon hearing that it was police outside. The laws in Ivar were strict and it would be very difficult to prove your innocence in a matter like this. Two men were lying in their pool of blood in her house and one was held hostage in the dining area, while another two were dreadland soldiers, the public enemies of Ivar.

Ethan and Keith would definitely be used as scapegoats if the police were to arrest them. “What do we do?” she whispered in a panicked voice. Ethan had to think on his feet. From his peripheral vision, he caught a glimpse of a staircase that descended.

“Is that the basement?” He asked her.

She nodded. “I keep old things there and some of my tailoring materials for my business too.”

“Keith, help me drag these bodies downstairs. Leilani, try to mop the blood stains off the walls, if you have some red watercolor, that would be great too, give the kids some, make it look like they’re painting.”

The doorbell rang again, making everybody tense up and hurry wi
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