Chapter six

Though Peter was still confident in his skills, he felt it was needed he withdrew on time, he didn't want any further accusations from the family members.

"These people wouldn't believe me no matter what I do, it's best I withdraw now!" Picking his phone, he was about to leave. Lisa sensed this, she became unhappy.

"Please begin the treatment, you don't have to mind all these bunch of fools!" She said, trying to make him stay.

"If it was just you, I'd stay but I'd like to fulfill their wish so that they might have peace of mind." He insisted.

"And I insist," the senior doctor said. "He should leave. If you like you take it, if you don't like it, you leave, madam," he said with a very serious face. "From the facts I've derived about Mr. Thompson's condition, it's a sign of cerebral palsy. He would be bedridden for life if he doesn’t get a surgery in two weeks."

Joel was back into the room without them knowing.

"I know what she's trying to do, she wants Mr. Thompson to die so she can assume the throne!" He declared, pointing his hand at her. She turned, furrowing her eyes.

"I know I'm the cause of all that's going on, I'd leave this room for you doctors. Let the wish of Joel be done!" Peter finally said.

He didn't want in the act of showing his patriotism, he would get himself into huge trouble. He knew this was a small case compared to other cases he had been solving, but with the level of mistrust on him, he couldn't just handle this.

He bowed before Lissa, opening the door and he left the room. Lisa was frustrated, she went mute and felt defeated but Peter did this for his good. He was glad he was out of trouble. Joel was now in control, so he ordered the doctors which Shawn brought to come forward. Lisa went silent, folding her arms and watched what was going on.

Mr. Thompson has been in a disturbing condition for the past three months when he was brought into the medical facility after showing signs of occasional insanity. All efforts have been in vain. The primary wish of the Atkin family, especially Lisa, is to see Mr. Thompson return to a calm demeanor and take back his position.

"First of all, a drip would be needed," the doctor said.

They installed the water into the drip syringe and injected it into his body, from here they were going to transport him through a stretcher to the theater so they can kickstart the surgery. Before they could do anything after placing him on a drip, Mr. Thompson started to shake violently on the bed, his eyes went pale.

The next minute, blood started to ooze out of his nose and ears. The heart beat and pulse recording machine showed his heartbeat increasing so fast, and his pulse going off that of a normal human being. This was a few minutes after Peter left, if certain, it wasn't up to ten minutes, by now he would be downstairs.

"What's happening?" Joel screamed in frustration.

"Didn't I tell you?" Lisa yelled at him, hitting him on the back.

"Should you be blaming me or the doctors in charge?" He defended.

"What did you say when I asked Peter to treat dad?" Lisa held him on the throat, almost strangling him. He fought to break free.

"If this is happening with experienced doctors, what do you think would happen with that brat? Mr. Thompson would just die at once!" He still didn't accept the fact.

Lisa stamped her foot in anger. "This boy, you still don't wanna learn your lesson!"

More doctors hearing the commotion rushed into the room to see what was happening. Seeing Mr. Thompson in this manner and the doctors who were already in here confused and frustrated, they tried their best to revive Mr. Thompson.

When Lisa saw that their techniques weren't working, Mr. Thompson was still shaking terribly, she hurriedly pulled up her phone to call Peter. "I'm sure he hasn't reached the gate of the hospital," she muttered to herself.

The call rang, then went through. Peter's voice came up.

"Hello, sir?"

"Please we need your help urgently here! The doctors which my uncle brought have made my dad's condition go worse. He's dying........" Great pain could be heard in her voice. "He's shaking terribly and blood is oozing out of him…… "

This greatly touched Peter that he had no choice but to return back. When he arrived at the room, it was turbulent as Mr. Thompson's breath was drastically increasing, his heartbeat was getting close to that of a dead person.

The most senior doctor immediately shouted. "What's he doing here again? If he's able to do this work well, I'll kneel down in public, before everyone in this hospital and call him sir." He was angry that Lisa decided to call Peter again instead of trying another method.

"And I'll marry him should he revive my dad, Mr. Thompson at this critical moment." Lisa was serious about this. Peter heard this, he almost froze in shock but he knew he needed to pay attention to what was most important at the moment which was reviving Mr. Thompson.

"How can Lisa of this country, who's next in line to be on the seat of government, marry a poor, unpopular guy like me?" He questioned deep within himself.

"This sounds too good to be true!" But this motivated him to try harder, his best to revive Mr. Thompson.

He set to do his job!

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