Chapter two

Peter decided to go to the park to sit and think of this disappointment that had befallen him. His heart was heavy, right there he didn't know where to go. As Mary has divorced him, she's sure to send him out of the apartment her family gave her right from when she was a teen.

Her mother wouldn’t even let him step foot into the house again now that he wasn’t a part of their family anymore.

"How am I going to survive?" He asked himself. He didn't want to show these emotions while he was with her, it would cause her to laugh at him.

"I'm so frustrated right now!" He grunted, dropping his hands which he was using to support his chins. Mary was richer than him, her family was well to do, so she most of the time took care of him before she attained her current status. Even before his divorce, she did see to his needs although sometimes it came with bits of insults.

He would have overlooked it if she didn't ask for a divorce as he loved her so much. Seeing the way he loved and had her genuine interest at heart even though he was poor, he vowed.

"She'll absolutely regret this, I promise her!" He believed she might never see a faithful and loyal guy like him again, even though she met someone ten times richer than her.

While having thoughts of the fear of being homeless and hungry, his phone rang, a strange number popped up on the screen.

Since he did not know who’s number it was, he thought it would be a housekeeper calling him to come take his properties from his ex-wife’s house. He had no properties, well of course his clothes.

"Hello?" He said when he picked the call.

"Yes. Are you Peter Jacobson?" A huge voice commanding much respect and authority loomed.

"Yes, I am..." He wanted to ask who was talking to him, but his mind was telling him that this must be someone important. “This is not the voice of a housekeeper.” He thought to himself.

"Your attention is urgently needed at 100 11th street, if you could be here in the next one to two hours, I would really appreciate!" A lady's voice sounded, it was some important voice he had been hearing on the radio but he couldn't recall now."

"We've heard about your expertise in handling special health issues." She added. Surprise caught Peter, he was confused.

"A great reward awaits you if you handle this case successfully!" She added, then ended the call.

The lady's last statement prompted him to want to check this location out. Maybe he might get some money to feed on for a while, while he navigates on what to do next.

Then as he was heading out of the park, his eyes met with someone so familiar.

It was his mother-in-law.

"Hello mom!"

Putting aside the incident that occurred today, he widened his arms rushing forth to give Vivian a hug, she was his mother-in-law after all, he couldn't let what her daughter did affect the way he greeted her although she sometimes in the past urged her daughter to leave him. He didn't want to look at everything people did to him.

"Drop those filthy hands of yours, why would you cheat on my daughter?" Peter thought she was alone, all of a sudden, her second daughter emerged from the corner of the pathway.

"I even came to greet you, mom, after your daughter disappointed me, you aren't happy?" His voice was sarcastic, Vivian got his intention.

"Yes, has he denied it mom?" Cynthia looked so serious. Peter was surprised.

"What are you talking about?" He spread his hands in deep confusion. "What are you two doing here? Who even told you both that I was here?" He asked them.

"Look, he's feigning ignorance mom, like he doesn't know what we are talking about." Cynthia mocked him. He was fuming with anger. Wasn't it enough that Mary decided to divorce him, that they had to gang up here and accuse him?

"I was present at my daughter's wedding ceremony, she made a promise before everyone to stay with you forever, except you cheat on her before she leaves. That was a serious vow from her, so you must have cheated before she decided to part ways with you."

Peter was baffled at such a well-constructed lie, he raised his hands to his waist and stared at them both with a shocked expression coupled with irritation.

He could see it so obviously that this was a plan.

He wasn't even given the chance to talk further when Cynthia pulled out his phone from his pocket, and played an audio tape of his voice with another woman. The woman's voice wasn't familiar but that was his voice.

The audio was edited, he had never talked such with any woman before. He took Mary very seriously and was very loyal to her.

"Excuse me, I guess you're just here to waste my time. I have some important appointments to attend to." He attempted to push his way through and pass but Cynthia blocked him, pushing him back, he knew he was serious at this point.

"You think you can break my sister's heart and go scot free when I'm dating a gangster, I'll deal with you. She's my blood, so I'll fight for her." Cynthia then signaled her gangster boyfriend, who surfaced from the back.

“Deal with him!” She ordered.

The boyfriend balled his fist and was almost throwing a hard punch at Peter but Peter dodged. He attempted a second punch but Peter still avoided.

After the third attempt, he could no longer cope with his rising anger. He jacked the gangster boyfriend off his feet and threw him upon the ground, leaving him groaning in pain and his mother gasping.

"Did you guys come here to complete the humiliation Mary drained on me?" He barked at both of them.

"Why would you harass my boyfriend? Do you know I can hold you responsible for this? You should pity yourself," Cynthia shouted at him.

"You don't even have money to feed, yet you dare raise your filthy hands on my daughter’s boyfriend!" Vivian said to him.

Peter looked at her with sinister eyes, he just wished they were not women, same way he just dealt with the man, he would have dealt with them too.

"Get off my way, I no longer have time for you guys, take heed not to cross my path!" He stormed off their presence in anger, not even pausing to look back.

The appointment he was called for was the most important thing to him now. He couldn't let them add to the harassment Mary already gave him.

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