Chapter three

Vivian stood there seeming defeated, she turned around to watch as Peter was leaving. She didn't want him to leave scotfree without being hurt. She saw at that point a van of SWAT which was the most ruthless sect of the police force patrolling, she raised her voice welling.

"Help! Help! Come back here, you have injured my daughter’s boyfriend!" She kept screaming. "Please help, officers. He abused me and my daughter, assaulted her boyfriend, now he's getting away!"

She even had fake tears in her eyes, after this thought came up in her mind, she hurriedly took up a razor and slashed her wrist and punched her face so hard that it became red. This she did to lay the accusation on Peter, so the police would believe.

"Heyy, heyy!" The cops went after Peter. He was still walking along the pathway, almost reaching the gate of the park when he felt heavy grips from both sides. He turned immediately, he almost fainted seeing these ruthless officers in black.

"Come here with us!" They forced him into the back of their cop car and returned back to where he left Vivian, she was now grinning with a sinister expression.

"Now I've got you! Let’s see how you get out of this one." She uttered inside of her, really happy. Pride shone on her face.

"Why did you assault this woman and her daughter?" Their chief questioned him, but he shook his head implying he didn't know anything about them. They hit his head, pushing him down and making him sit on the bare ground.

Peter lowered his head. This shame was too much for him especially in a public place like this and he couldn't resist the police's order.

He felt so bad.

"How I wish the ground would open up and swallow me!" This was his in depth wish at this moment. It seemed that the police were just favoring Vivian, they were overdoing things, slapping and starting to hit Peter for no just reason all in the name of coaxing him to say the truth.

"What she said about me assaulting her and her daughter isn't true. I never laid my hands on any of them at first." He knew they started the assault which gave him the boldness to defend himself in the face of this.

He was bold despite his assault, he couldn't afford to go nervous and afraid so long. He needed to speak up.

While thinking who would rescue him from this dangerous sect of the police to go meet up with his appointment, he heard a voice call from behind.

"Helloooo," it was that same voice that called him on the phone, some minutes ago. Everyone paused to turn and look at who was speaking.

It was Madame Lisa, the eldest daughter of the multibillion business family and the heir to the dynasty, a popular figure both in the country and beyond. She was as well popular because she was kind and caring.

"What do you guys think you are doing to him? Is this how the law calls on you to treat a suspect?" She had gotten some diploma in law a few years back but she decided to school for her future position as CEO.

Seeing her approach them, the cops knew something was going to happen. They were scared, but Peter was more surprised. How did Lisa ever get to hear of him, was she even tracking him to this place? He wondered who she would want a broke and unpopular guy like him to treat.

"Give me your ID cards!" She commanded all of them and they had to obey, after getting it from them, she stuck out her hand and held Peter up, leading away from the scene.

Vivian was disappointed with the way things turned out, she was speechless seeing the cops sect and everyone submitting to Lisa.

"I'm utterly disappointed, why didn't you tell her he wanted to strangle my daughter’s boyfriend, seeing him on the ground, she would believe it!"

"Ma'am, you can do that yourself!" They retorted, got into their cars and left.

"Let's talk inside my car!" Lisa offered. "I'm the one who called, I will be driving you there!" She said with a serious face.

When the self-acclaimed gangster of a boyfriend managed to rise, he was having severe back pain. Vivian and Cynthia felt so hopeless, Vivian picked her phone and called Mary, telling her what happened, then asked her to come.

"Okay mom, I'll be coming now!" She replied with haste and immediately was on her way.

Mary arrived in the next ten minutes, her office wasn't far from the park, they were located on the same street. Mary could sight her immediate ex-husband with Lisa as she was driving through the gate. Her eyes blinked with shock, she couldn't believe the sight. Her company was under Lisa’s family control. Even if the company was worth hundreds of million, it was just a grain when compared to the whole sack, the Thompson’s group.

She had to rush to her mom.

"What's happening, mom?" Her voice was shaking in panic and she was rushing over words. Her mother was surprised.

"Your ex-husband talked so down at me. He no longer has respect for people, use your position to teach him a lesson!" Vivian barked, trying to influence her daughter.

"No, no, I can't do this for today," she replied, shaking her head.

"Why Mary? You know we've always seen you as our family's activist?"

"Mom, as I was driving into this park, I sighted Peter with Lisa. I'm just scared. I'm sorry there's nothing I can do."

A second disappointment struck Vivian right there in the face, for a while she couldn't talk.

Mary was afraid of reacting, she knew with one phone call that Lisa made, she could lose her job.

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