His eyes opened to the painful Slap he felt on his cheek so early. " what is it again ?" he grumbles out of the bed— holding his cheek." What are you still doing on bed you lazy thing ? Tomorrow is your master's birthday, so you better hurry up you clown," Mrs pheona said and walked out of the room, shaking her seductive curve. She was in her early 50s but still beautiful. Bryan followed immediately to avoid further troubles. He wasn't ready for any.Despite the ill treatment he receives from the people he called family, he still got something that brightens his mood and makes his days count.— Sasha. She is the only reason he found life a bit meaningful. He has got a ring earlier and planned on proposing to her on his brother's birthday but he kept this as a secret. He wanted to surprise her in front of everyone and made her know how he really loves her. Bryan hurried out to the garden and quickly took the scissors to began trimming the flowers, without even bothering for breakfast. The town knows him as part of the great Jing family, but still worked like a slave in the house. Imagine an adopted child to a rich family doing the Gardener's work.He rushed the flower cutting and quickly picked up a bucket so he could go scrub up the car for the day when his leg met with an obstacle and stumbled to the ground." Oops, sorry. Hahaha," he turns to see his sister—Ava, with two other beautiful ladies laughing at him" What the hell was that all about ? " He stood up angrily, and glared at them when he discovered the obstacle was his sister's leg. She intentionally did it so he would be laughed at" Hello loser, just wanted to say hi," she smiled devilishly and they laughed out loud." Ava, was this the brother you were talking to me about ? " Just as he was about to say another word—Susu who was Ava's new friend, asked and Ava replied" Yes he is " she gave a Swift response" Awwwwnnn, he's so handsome." She walks closer, and Bryan could feel her breath on his face as she gaze into his eyes. He could tell that her compliment wasn't of good but just to ridicule him as his sister's friends always do" You are really handsome but a loser. I don't know why Mr Jing picked you up from the orphanage and let you into his home. It is so bad to let just anyone into a royal blood. Just look at the way you are dressed," Susu said in disgust and they all laughed.Bryan ignored, picked up his bucket, and left immediately. It wasn't the first time he was being bullied by his siblings and their friends so he couldn't stress himself on these ladies when he got someone special to see. besides, they were all rich and highly connected, retaliating might be really disastrous to him.He scrubbed the car in a giffy, took a shower and got on his small scooter bike which he rode down to go see sasha— his girl.******He arrived and excitedly pushed the door open but his excitement dropped to a zero level—allowing surprise to take over." Sasha...." he said when he saw her with two friends, smoking and dancing to the sound of loud music. the room whole room was partially covered in cigratees smokes" OMG Bryan," she responded in surprise when she saw him and quickly turned off the music. " why didn't you knock before you came in ?" she asked him angrily while he stared at her in surprise. He has never seen her smoking and looking so irresponsible before, neither had she replied him in such a way that made him felt unwelcomed."Who is he ?" Maya— Sasha's friend asked, wearing a confused face and bryan answered her swiftly.." I'm her boyfriend. You have a problem with that ? " He glared at the indecent girl who he thought might have been the one influencing his girl" Seriously..... Hell NO! We never expected a girl like Sasha to be with someone as tattered as you are," Maya replied and the other girl laughed" What's wrong with my dressing ?" He asked and looked at himself while Sasha sighs in disgust. He was really old fashioned though, but he doesn't feel it's a bad thing" You can't take care of her man...... besides, there is this rich guy that is after her so I still don't know who you are," Cindy said and puffed out the smoke— leaving him in alter confusion" A rich guy ? what are you talking about ? " He was about to confirm what she said when Sasha quickly grabbed his hand and took him outside........." What is the problem, why are you here ? " She asked him in a low tone like he had just embarrassed her" I came to see you, or is there a problem in that ? Besides, What were they talking about anyway, you have a rich guy who comes to see you ? and why smoking with those girls ? Remember the family I came from. We are respectful people and I wouldn't want you going out of line if you wanna be with me,"" Don't bother about that, they are just being naughty, It's one of those things. So, have you got what you promised ? " She asked him with a frown and her face brightened up when he handed her the fancy bag in which he brought along with him" Here's it " he sighs * as she opened the bag and brought out a really beautiful red dress" OMG, atlas ! " She squealed in excitement. " I love it so much,"of course she likes it. He had been saving for months from the little change the family gave to him for upkeep and also doing some menial jobs just so he could get the special gown she had always wished for. His brothers birthday party is the next day and he needed his girl around. He already planned a secret proposal to the girl of his dream" So would you be coming for my brother's birthday pary tomorrow " Bryan asked with an accomplished smile on his face, but then, Sasha's mood changed again." Ermmmm, baby wait. What about the necklace I asked you to get me ? I haven't seen it yet," she waives his first question as she packages the dress back into the fancy bag." Oh that ? I'm sorry but I was not able to save enough for it. Things were too much for me," Sasha's reaction threw him off balance immediately he said this" What ? Why can't you get me just a little diamond necklace that cost just a $1000? Are you that broke ? How do you want me to appear there when I got friends who's looking so expensive just because of their boyfriends. Do you want me to feel Intimidated ? " She asked and short tempered Bryan couldn't take it anymore." What the hell is wrong with you, sasha ? can't you see am trying to my best to satisfy you ? I had to save enough and starve myself in that house; because not always they feed me, especially when they wanna punish me, which has become a norm. please stop nagging— and because you don't have the necklace doesn't mean you can't come okay.... "" Oh so now am nagging, right ?" She looked him in the eyes while he tried to calm himself down. She really don't know the struggles he went through just to get her the gown and doesn't even care. All she wanted was her request. Bryan who's going through alot couldn't argue with her anymore and decided to end the conversation before things might get out of hand" It's okay dear, just be present for the party tomorrow. I have got something really special for you, even more than the necklace. " he said and walked out of her angrily while she held the bag still staring at him as he got on his old scooter bike..." What is happening Sasha ? we can hear your voices from inside," her friends came out of the room as Bryan started his bike" He couldn't get me a necklace we saw last week and he still got the guts to shout at me, claiming he has got something really special for me at the party tomorrow. " she said angrily and glared as Bryan rode his old bike away from her vicinity and the girls loled" Of course that was just an excuse. What did you expect him to say, can't you see how broke and dirty he looks ? He couldn't even afford a thousand dollar necklace," Maya said" By the way, what special thing does he has for you tomorrow ? " Cindy asked" Something stupid. He wants to propose to me. That's what he has been keeping as a secret and didn't want me to know, but I already got to know about it from someone" What ? Propose ? Are you for real ? What are you gonna do now, you definitely can't marry a guy as him with that rich guy you hang around with, right ? " Cindy asked" Nope, I won't. And that's why this is the opportunity I have to teach him a lesson "" Woah, that's my girl...." Maya and Cindy squealed and jumped up in exicitement" I guess you wouldn't just show up, it's gonna hurt him since he has high expectations of surprising you" Cindy blurted and Sasha shook her head negatively with a smirk on her face" I'm not gonna do that. Am gonna show up at the party "" What ? then you are gonna be present for the proposal ?How would you pay him back then ?"" I will be present of course but what would hit him would be more disastrous than me staying at home. He would be so heartbroken without me saying anything to him....." Sasha gave a menacing smile and walked in. Her friends, knowing how revengeful she could be, anticipated for the news which would definitely be shocking as she described it.__________________Related Chapters
The Orphan who became the billionaire's boss THE CORONATION CHAPTER 2
The day everyone had been waiting for finally arrived. The whole city was busy and full of merriments as hopper—who is the first son of late iconic Mr Jing, celebrates his 25th birthday. the Jing family is among the top 5 in the city's social heirachy and that's because of their partnership with the Austelin company which was a founded by Mr Austin but now in the care of Mr Warren — his Manager who took over since his assassination. As the town prepares to celebrate hopper, they also got ready to see the girl who he was to marry, as the custom demands someone of his age gets married and responsible enough to take over the families business. Bryan on the other hand was in his dressing room, preparing for his own proposal too which he had kept a secret from everyone except aunty Sally.*********" okay...I think this should do. So tell me, how do I look ?" Bryan asked the blonde skin woman standing next to him in alluring beauty as he stares at the mirror, getting prepared for the part
The Orphan who became the billionaire's boss CHAPTER 3
His legs trembles in panic, as Mr greg stared at him with a red eyes and Mrs pheona enteres the room and shut the door angrily. They had brought him into a private room away from the public, where they could possibly do anything to him and no one would be there to help." Bryan...Bryan ... Bryan... So you have finally grown the wings to hit my son in public, right ? " Beautiful Mrs pheona glared at him as she breathes in rage and her fingers clenched tightly." No mom, it wasn't my intention. Your son took my girlfriend....."'Slaps !***" Shut up you fool..... Who are you calling mom ?" Since Mr jing died, she had warned him severally, not to call her mom as it only gets her infuriated. ' your mom is dead because she brought an abomination like you to the world and I can't be her.' she would say to him." You have crossed the line again and you must definitely pay for it. You know how much I love to see wounds all over you," she said to his face angrily and then gave a Sweet smile t
The Orphan who became the billionaire's boss AT FRIENDS HOUSE CHAPTER 4
Bryan sat in between his friends on the sitting room's - couch while they try to console him from leaving the family but he didn't seem to be really bothered about it. ' what's the essence of living in royalty when you aren't treated like one ?' he always says to them. However, he was just so bothered about sasha who had given him the biggest shock of his life." It's gonna be okay bro, I promise. Am just so glad they didn't kill you before you realize it was time for you to leave that house.". Mark said as he examines the scars that bryan had gotten from the numerous beaten he had received in the house " True bro, his life is much more important to us. I know it's been hard for you but don't worry, we are college buddies and you can stay with us as long as you want, okay ?" James added while Bryan was still staring at the television without saying a single word. He was still confused on how the beaten he received was Sasha's idea. He just couldn't believe it." So what's with the ca
The Orphan who became the billionaire's boss WUYAN CHAPTER 5
She pushes the door and sneaked into her dark room, wearing a smile on her face—thinking she had finally gotten passed her dad but heard a husky voice in the room. " How was the party, wuyan ?" wuyan trembled in shock and turn on the lights just to see her old man sitting on the bed—wearing a grimy smile on his face " Dad......but...". " But what.... you are surprise to see me ? " " No, but I thought..... " Wuyan couldn't complete her words. She had asked the guards who came to get her if her dad was aware of her sneaking out but they told her no. Does it mean they lied to her and betrayed her trust in them ? Just as she wondered, Mr Warren called get attention back " I know you must be thinking the guards betrayed you but it's not their fault. I told them to do so." he said and stood up from the bed with his body trembling lightly. Mr Warren was still very sick but wouldn't play with his daughter " Dad am so sorry. I wanted freedom and that was why I left. I'm tired of being se
The Orphan who became the billionaire's boss CHAPTER 6
" no I still don't believe you, this must have to be a joke or something," Bryan said, looking so puzzled about the whole issue. He couldn't believe Mr. Warren, who everyone feared so much was literally kneeling in front of him with his huge guards who were on black suit and shades, claiming to have known him well. ' or is this a set-up, is he trying to lure me to go with him so he could kill me for seeing his daughter's face ?' bryan thought, as he stood cluelessly, staring at them." I know this is definitely gonna be hard for you to believe but I will advise you come with me so I can give you evidence of you being the true son of Mr. Austin." Mr Warren said as he and his men stood up to their feet." How am I sure you aren't trying to kill me for driving your daughter home ? Besides, you never wanted anyone to see her face but I did" Bryan spoke out; looking confident but deep down, he was scared of what Mr Warren's reaction will be untill he broke into laughter." Hahaha, you are s
The Orphan who became the billionaire's boss CHAPTER 7
A black Bentley halted in front of the well known Austelin company, guarded by a convoy; and the person in the car was no other than bryan. As soon as he prepares to get down from the car, he sighted a familiar range rover revolt, driving in and parked almost next to him— and a familiar couple came out of the car. It was hopper and sasha.Bryan seeing his brother and Sasha together, decided to wait in the car till they were out of his sight, before he proceeded, being escorted by two body guards, into the company. He didn't want them to see him in the car and know how life has changed really fast for him. At least, not now.Bryan got into the elevator quickly when he was sure that hopper and Sasha were out of view and then stopped at the chairmans office." Wait for me here, please" he said to his guards before knocking, and voice from inside ordered him into the office where he beheld an angel in human form." Good afternoon, sir and welcome to the Austelin company," Bryan was greet
The Orphan who became the billionaire's boss FIRST DAY AT WORK
After a long night Bryan had with his friends due to so many questions, he slept so late, but was woken up the next morning by his blaring alarm to prepare for work. He quickly rushed into the bathroom to brush and scrub his body. It was gonna be his first day at work and he needed to be early enough; so he could clean the company with the other workers. Though he cannot be sacked in his own company, but for his plans to be well executed, he has got to act it well .He got dressed and quickly walked to the kitchen to prepare something for breakfast" You are up early ?" James said to him as he was mixing the raw eggs" Yep I am. I secured a job as a cleaner in the Austelin company,"" What, and you didn't tell us ? That's huge bro.whats with the surprises lately...."" Nothing bro, we got so busy with different issues yesterday that I forgot to say anything to you guys about it." He quickly turned off the gas and dished the egg in a plate. " Come join me" he said walking to the dinning
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CHAPTER 8A minute after henry talked to bryan about who miss Hailey is, he knew the reason why she got so much guts around. Immediately, he drops his broom and tries to trace where miss Val, the chief maid's office was. He was gonna ask why she would be so biased and not treat the workers equally. When he arrived at her office, he quickly knocked three times on the door but he got no reply so he impatiently pushed the door open and stormed into the office, only for him to see her and rude Hailey making out." What is wrong with you ," miss Val, screamed angrily and adjusted quickly" Can't you knock before entering ?" Hailey blurted" I did just that but got no reply, so I thought it would be better for me to just come in " he said with a smile on his face which made the chief maid angry and immediately, she stood up from her seat and walked up to him" Get out of my office, you're fired ! " She said but bryan just shook his head with a mischievous smile as he deep his hand into his p
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At night, the initiates gathered in a black van, with Dickson, Carlo and Mr Suraj, leading the team. On the computer screen in front of them was the current location of Simon from the Ratel gang, who was going to get the drugs. The location showed Northern Cape. With this, they drove and arrived at Northern Cape moments later, parking the van at a safe distance under a tree. “This is the location,” the driver said as Mr. Suraj looked at the computer to confirm. The place was far from town and uphill. Outside, a lot of gang members were holding guns and keeping watch around an abandoned building.“This is where the magic happens. I believe that’s a trap house,” Suraj said.“What’s a trap house?” one of the inexperienced initiates in the van asked.“It’s a house where drug dealers keep their drugs. It’s mostly situated on the outskirts of town, where the government wouldn’t know,” he replied.“There are many securities here. How do we get in and plant the explosives?”“That’s why we’re
By noon the following day, Carlo and Dickson drove out of town to a place called Camelot. Camelot was the ghetto part of the city, where the youth were involved in many crimes like drugs, kidnapping, assassination, and money laundering. The crime rate was high, as it was the primary means of survival for the youth. Dickson and Carlo had come here to gather intel about the Dark Shadows.They arrived in Camelot, parked under a tree, and proceeded into a bar. Inside, the bar was dark with all the curtains down. Naked strippers moved about, and different gangs occupied various spots. Dickson and Carlo headed towards a table occupied by a gang known as the Ratels. They had previously learned that the Ratels were the biggest drug dealers in Camelot and might have connections with the Dark Shadows.The Ratels were in conversation when Dickson interrupted.“Greetings,” Dickson said, while Carlo stood beside him.“How can we help you?” one of the men asked.“I’m here for a drug deal,” Dickson
At about 8pm, a private plane having the international initiates landed at Ashvilles airport. It was a full squad of trained men from the security services.They alighted the plane in numbers and proceeded to the white coaster bus that was provided to convey them to their destination.Minutes after, they arrived the Austelin Mansion and all assembled in the garden outside, where Dickson Carlo and Bryan were waiting for them." How was your trip ? " Bryan started" It was fine sir." Their leader responded." Good. Now that you all are here ? Our work begins. I need you guys to share your thoughts on how we can defeat the dark shadows. The main challenge is to know who the number 1 man in the dark shadows is." Bryan said." That is not much of a problem sir. We can simply figure that out if we strategize properly." One of the men, dressed in sm army camouflage said." Do you have anything in mind ? " Bryan eyed the man who had spoken, sizing him up. The international recruits seemed sha
Initiates first training
Two days have passed, and the 50 people who volunteered to be part of the White Shadows have returned to the Austelins Mansion for their training as promised. A date has been set for next week for the initiation of other volunteers who were living in other parts of the country.Bryan had reprinted the White Shadows logo and purchased licensed firearms for every member. The main course today was to teach them how to use them. The initiates all stood holding their guns while Carlo and Dickson stood in front of them. The first step was to teach them how to use a gun."The weapon you are holding is an AK-47 rifle," Dickson started. "The AK-47 was designed by **Mikhail Kalashnikov**, a Soviet engineer and tank commander. He developed the weapon in the late 1940s as part of a Soviet military initiative to create a reliable, durable, and easy-to-manufacture assault rifle. Kalashnikov's design became the standard issue for the Soviet armed forces in 1949 and later spread globally, making him
"Sir, the initiatives to bring back the White Shadows started due to the unbearable operations by the Dark Shadows," Bryan began. "The Dark Shadows have fought me in so many ways, and I believe it’s not just me, but everyone who isn’t involved with them is feeling the heat. This is why I have agreed to set up a team that would fight against them," Bryan explained to the Minister of Defense, who nodded in agreement."So, what are your big plans with this White Shadows NGO you want to set up? And what do you think you’ll do differently to curb the situation with the Dark Shadows that the police aren’t already doing?" the minister questioned, his brows narrowing as he looked at Bryan."Good question, sir. I have observed the activities of the Dark Shadows and discovered they are certainly skilled in many areas. To defeat them, my NGO will undergo training from top security agencies around the world, and all the expenses will be on me," Bryan replied."And you’re willing to bear the cost
Bryan stood outside, still not satisfied with the information Mr. Benjamin had given him. He had hoped for more but decided to work with what he had. It was time to start somewhere. Since the White Shadows fraternity had been his dad's effort to fight the Dark Shadows, he would bring the fraternity back to life. All he needed to do was gather people who would join the cult and help in the fight.An idea came to him immediately. He quickly took out his phone from his pocket and dialed Dickson's number. "Hello, Dickson. You and Carlo should meet at my house. We have something really important to discuss," he said. "Okay, boss. We’ll be there," Dickson replied, and Bryan ended the call.He got into his car and started the engine. As he began driving, he fell into deep thought about how he could make the White Shadows fraternity strong enough to stand against the Dark Shadows. The key idea that came to his mind was training. Mr. Benjamin had told him that the Dark Shadows underwent a
"Wait, what do you mean my father founded the White Shadows?" Bryan asked, confused. First, it was him discovering Mr. Warren was the leader of the Dark Shadows, and now this? "Does that mean my dad is no different from these evil men?" he said, disappointment written all over his face."Don't you compare your dad and Mr. Warren, Bryan. That's a big disrespect," the man cut in angrily."What do you mean?" Bryan asked.The man didn’t reply just yet. He called one of his children, who brought out a seat for Bryan to sit down, before continuing.**FLASHBACK (NARRATION)**"The White Shadows is an offshoot of the Dark Shadows. Decades ago, there was great insecurity in the world. Kidnapping, drugs, assassinations, rape, and various social vices were ravaging this city. The government did everything they could to stop it, but they couldn’t. At worst, any government in power that pushed the limits to fight the unknown terrorists causing the havoc eventually got killed. This made many scared.
AUSTELIN'S MANSION**Bryan had been living in deep thought since he returned from the prison after seeing Mr. Warren. He had just one thing bothering him, and it was unraveling his dad's death. From what Warren had told him, it wasn't the end of the dark shadows yet, and his dad was into some cult that gave him such wealth and influence. If what Mr. Warren said was true, the first step to take was to decipher the name of the cult his dad was involved with. After a thorough search in his heart, he couldn't think of what cult his father was in, so he decided to go through a thorough search in his dad's mansion.Edward moved back and forth in his dad's room, searching for any information. He saw pictures of his dad from a tender age until his old age. He also saw pictures of a woman always next to his dad, but he couldn't recognize her face; it was obscure. After searching for hours and finding nothing, he moved to his dad's library. There were thousands of books, and Bryan hadn't bother
At 8 p.m. that day, Wuyan received a call from Mrs. Pheona, who agreed to tell her everything she needed to know about her stepbrother. This news excited Wuyan, and although Mrs. Pheona suggested they meet at a location, Wuyan insisted they meet at her house. Wuyan felt a wave of relief as she ended the call, knowing that her search for her stepbrother was finally coming to an end.Mrs. Pheona then called Jack to inform him of the change in plans. Jack was furious about the idea of going to Wuyan's house, as it wasn’t part of the original deal, but he eventually gave in after Mrs. Pheona managed to convince him.At 9 p.m., Mrs. Pheona arrived at Wuyan's house in her Jeep, with Jack and two armed men sitting in the back. As the gate opened and she drove in, the men hid their guns under their clothes. Two of them remained in the car while Mrs. Pheona and Jack stepped out and walked to the door.*Knock, knock!* Mrs. Pheona tapped twice on the door, and Wuyan opened it. "Hello, Wuyan,"