Chapter Ninety eight

He would pretend to follow the doctor’s instructions, all the while looking for weaknesses he could exploit, and when the time was right, Rhys planned to make his move. He would escape, expose the sinister experiments to the world, and bring the people involved to justice.

The thought of outsmarting the scientist gave Rhys a surge of determination. He was ready to play her game, but on his own terms. But he still didn’t forget one important person; the one that got him involved in all this in the first instance. His uncle.

He planned to mess with Christopher, make him confess his own doings.

The game was on.

As he was leaving the lab, his belongings were returned back to him to help familiarize with his new identity. A taxi was already waiting for him so he wasted no time in getting in. Inwardly, he looked forward to returning home, to his friends, and his parents. They had been on his mind for a long time and he was worried that Christopher would strike once again.

As Rhys walked th
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