Chapter one hundred and eight

The next day, Dr. Mikhail carefully removed the device from the package, and Rhys saw that it was a phone. A sleek, high-tech phone that looked like it belonged in a spy movie. “Ah, yes! This is it! This is the key to our success!” Dr. Mikhail exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

He quickly turned on the phone and dialed a number. Rhys watched as Dr. Mikhail waited for someone to answer, his eyes fixed on the phone with an intensity that made Rhys shiver.

Finally, someone answered, and Dr. Mikhail face lit up with a sinister grin. “Ah, yes! Mr. Johnson! I have an update, the experiment was a success but my location was compromised.”

Rhys’s ears perked up as he listened to Dr. Mikhail conversation. Who was the boss? And what was their plan?Dr. Mikhail continued to talk, his voice dripping with excitement. “Yes, yes! We can proceed with the next phase… Ah, yes! I understand. The payment will be made as soon as the mission is complete…”

Rhys’s mind raced with questions. What was
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