Chapter one hundred and seventy eight

Harrison’s face was expressionless, but Christopher looked like he was enjoying the show. Alessandro’s eyes were narrowed in concern, but he said nothing. Atlas’s face reddened with anger, but he seemed to be enjoying the challenge. “We’ll see about that,” he sneered, before turning and storming out of the room.

The meeting ended shortly after, with the family members going their separate ways. But the tension lingered, like a challenge thrown down. It was clear that Atlas was not going to give up easily, and that Elena’s refusal had only made him more determined.

Elena was still fuming after the meeting. She couldn’t believe Atlas’s audacity, and she was determined to make it clear that she would never marry him. Lydia found her in the garden, pacing back and forth along the path. “Elena, calm down,” she said, trying to soothe her. “You don’t have to worry about Atlas. He’s not going to bother you again.”

Elena stopped pacing and turned to Lydia. “You don’t understand, Lydia,” she sa
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