Chapter one hundred and sixty Nine

Alessandro’s body convulsed as he wept, his wails echoing off the walls like a mournful dirge. Lydia collapsed into Elena’s arms, her frail frame wracked with a grief so intense it seemed to consume her very being. Elena’s own tears streamed down her face like a river of sorrow, her heart shattering into a million pieces as she held Rhys’s mother, her own pain mingling with hers.

Jonathan’s eyes welled up with tears as he gazed upon his friend’s lifeless body, his mind reeling with the thought of a future without Rhys by his side. Harrison, Rhys’s grandfather, stood stoic, his eyes red-rimmed, as he struggled to contain the emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. Luther, Elena’s grandfather, wept openly, his aged body trembling with a sorrow so profound it seemed to shake the very foundations of his being.

As they mourned, the group clung to each other, their bodies swaying in unison as they sobbed, their hearts heavy with a grief so intense it seemed to suffocate them. The air wa
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