Chapter one hundred and sixty eight

It was hard to see a way forward through the darkness that had descended upon them all. Jonathan sat in stunned silence, the phone still clutched in his hand. He couldn’t believe what he had just told Rhys’s parents. He had confirmed their worst fears, and now they were left to pick up the pieces.

He thought about Uncle Alessandro and Aunt Lydia, and how they must be feeling. They had always been like a second family to him, and now they were going through the unimaginable pain of losing their son.

Jonathan knew he had to be strong for them, but it was hard to see a way forward. The grief was overwhelming, and he felt like he was drowning in it. He slowly got up from the chair and began to pace around the room. He needed to do something, anything, to take his mind off the pain.

As he walked, he thought about Rhys and all the memories they had shared. He remembered the good times, the laughter, and the adventures. He remembered the way Rhys always knew how to make him smile, even on hi
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