Chapter one hundred and twenty Nine

He looked around, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Just people enjoying the beach, like him. But the feeling persisted. And then, he heard a voice behind him.

“Alex,” the voice said. “We need to talk.”

Rhys turned to see a man standing behind him. He was tall, with a suit and sunglasses. He looked like a typical businessman, but Rhys knew better. This was no ordinary man.

“Who are you?” Rhys asked, using his alias and trying to sound nonchalant.

“My name is not important,” the man said. “What’s important is that you know who I represent. I represent the Boss.”

Rhys’s eyes narrowed. He had heard of the Boss, of course. He was the person behind Dr. Mikhail but despite the amount of investigation he does, Rhys was never able to get the identity of the man behind that alias. “What does the Boss want with me?” Rhys asked, trying to sound curious.

“The Boss is not pleased with your actions,” the man said. “You took down the Shadow Organization without permission. You disrupted the balan
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