Chapter one hundred and twenty eight

Rhys’s plan was to completely destroy the Shadow Syndicate’s headquarters, and he knew that gaining the trust of the leader was crucial to achieving this goal.

He spent the next few days working tirelessly to win the leader’s trust, taking on high-risk missions and completing them with ease. He also made sure to show his loyalty to the organization, attending meetings and gatherings, and participating in discussions.

Slowly but surely, the leader began to take notice of Rhys’s efforts, and soon he was given access to sensitive information. Rhys was careful to keep his true intentions hidden, all the while gathering intel on the organization’s plans and operations. As he gained more trust, Rhys’s status within the organization grew. He was given more respect, and his opinions were sought after. He used this newfound influence to help some of his own team from the Phantom Organization infiltrate the Shadow Organization.

It wasn’t easy, but Rhys managed to convince the leader to allow a
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