Chapter Fifteen.

The door was opened immediately only to reveal Captain Barnes, the feared captain in the whole of Westerville.

Eunice and his grandmother stared at each other in bewilderment.

Bryan and Logan had already been taken to the Stevens medical facility not far from the voyeur.

Everyone stared at Captain Barnes as he walked towards to meet them, the hallway leading to the voyeur was long.

"What do you think brings Captain Barnes to our Villa?"

Eunice Stevens' voice was barely above whispers as almost everyone fidgeted as the Captain got closer to them with his team members.

"I really don't know, I thought the guard said we were visited by Lord George Lucas?"

"I was thinking he has finally come to collect Max's balls for that of his son, Arnold Lucas."

"How is it they say it again? A ball for a ball."

"The moment this is over, I will fire that dweeb for misinformation."

Lady Megan Stevens voice was barely above whispers as she only managed to not fidget as the others.

Staring at Max, he was s
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