Chapter Nineteenth.

"Someone answer me right away right before I lose my temper!"

Lord Larry yelled immediately.

The situation was intense and palpable as everyone stared at Max Xanderson as though they had seen a ghost.

"He is probably a ghost, Lord Larry, I'm very sure that he is supposed to be dead."

"The moment I plunged my sword right through Sharon, he tried swimming back to save his mom and my men shot at him."

"They even staged a search party along the Blueberg River and confirmed his death."

"At this point, Lord Larry Harold, I'm as confused as you."

Jeremy Xanderson's voice was barely above whispers as his frightened face stared at Max who was now almost close to them.

"Where did he get that Katana from? sure does look familiar."

Jeremy Xanderson added as he fidgeted.

The clanging sound of Max Xanderson's sword added to the intensity of the moment.

"Okay, I have had enough!"

"Max stop right there!"

Lord Larry Harold yelled and immediately walked forward to meet Max Xanderson, followed up b
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