Chapter Eighteen.

Max Xanderson froze immediately to the spot, the Xanderson's was a name that he hadn't heard in years.

As he stared into the darkened sky above, memories of his uncle Jeremy Xanderson plunging a sharp Katana sword straight through his mom's heart reeled through his mind like a pro-edited video.

Memories of how he had wanted to swim back and save his mom from his uncle but was shot at raced through his mind making him bite his lips and clench his fist in vexation.

Max Xanderson's thoughts raced as Jack Oniels waited patiently.

"General…what should I tell the Xandersons?"

Jack Oniels asked again, his voice was barely above whispers.

"Tell them that I will grace his Vila tonight."

His voice was barely above whispers yet laced with authority.

"Okay,Grand general, I will be leaving now."

The messenger happily went away to deliver the best news to Jeremy Xanderson.

"I will be there, but to annihilate everyone."

Max Xanderson whispered to himself as he dropped the call, his heart heaving up
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