Chapter seventeenth

"Guards!!!... pack up all these items and set them in the family's mini museum."

"As for you Melissa, take your ranting mother and the rest of your family members out of my Villa now!"

Her voice was vehement as she stamped her walking stick on the floor sending trepidation across everyone in the room.

As Max, Melissa, Chloe and her mom were about to leave the door, Eunice immediately snatched the keys of the Bugatti Mistral from Melissa.

"You can't have that either, it belongs to us now…bye bye."

Her voice was laced with disdain, Max Xanderson wished he would slap the hell out of the spoiled brat.

"C'mon let's just go. "

Max Xanderson said as he pulled a stunted Melissa out of the villa, she immediately dabbed her eyes as they left.

Moments later, Lady Megan Stevens is addressing her people in the Stevens villa.

"Listen up everyone, I don't want any of you to be deceived by what Lord George Lucas pulled out here."

"He is clearly afraid of us, the Stevens, and not that wretched Meliss
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